Would like to say to all my boxer folk on my friends list.... I do - TopicsExpress


Would like to say to all my boxer folk on my friends list.... I do not want to be associated with glenauld or walkon boxers and do not believe in their puppy farming ethics! I also do not agree with them creating 1000s of dogs from 2 infected jkd dogs for profit and not thinking about the misery it brings to families!!!!!!!! A lot of speculation over a German dog, this came from someone unrelated To the actual investigation and I have found out this was not from the sires side!!!!! I can clearly state that there is zero dogs In my pedigree who have been linked to jkd and I know this because it has been looked at by those involved!!!! These dogs carry this gene! This is not environmental! Perhaps it appearing is but lets be honest the kennel is where it is Andre cases there due to the obvious!!!!! They have ruined the uk boxer and I really hope people see sense and stop buying these lines! I dont care how friendly they are as people, I do not know them to slag them off but their breeding disgusts me!!!! I wen t to a show 2 wks before the programme was originally aired and Gucci was there being paraded about like a piece of gold!!! They knew wha was away to happen!!! People clapping and cheering for a dog that has created 890 pups and how many after in grandchildren etc!!!!! I do not have a list but like most have done research due to amo being used at stud!!! Although he doesnt have fault lines, the mother can still pass gene to puppies and of they are used with a dog of fault lines jkd will appear again!!!! I do not for one second believe that every dog has this gene!!! I was merely throwing possibilities which have now been explained to me!!! Inbreeding the major factor ! So breeding, please et a stud that has less than 7 co eff
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:52:10 +0000

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