Would like to share this with you what happened today ..and how - TopicsExpress


Would like to share this with you what happened today ..and how spirit and me work in funny ways ...I had to have a MRI today on my brain ..I guess they were checking if I had one ..I had to trick off a check list that looked liked I was signing my life away ..when it got to the are you claustrophobic answer I ticked yes ..with images of my head stuck in a box and no air lol ..my hand was shaking so much the elderly lady opposite me must of thought I had Parkinsons decease ( no offence ) she was watching the pad jumping on my knee and me trying to magically try to keep the pen on the paper ..Remember this is still part of the fighting of my dragon ..amongst the questions was do you hear voices ? Um yes I talk to dead people ..do you have flashbacks um yes of peoples lives ..Well I could of put that but was expecting white coats with sticky pads coming lol .....I handed the lady my pad and told her thats all I could write ,I asked her how long I would have to wait ,she replied 15 mins ok time for some fresh air before the torture chamber ,as I went to pick my coat up the lady who had been watching me and had heard me mumble about if I had metal in my head .ear eye etc ,asked me where I was from I said rosebud ,no originally she asked oh Shropshire in England I then asked her the same Notttingham she replied ..oh my best friend is from there I said she lives in Wollaton .really I lived there too ..I then explained that it was a very sad day as it was her fathers funeral today after burying her mother 2 years ago ..she asked me their names and I proceeded to tell her that they had a flower shop for over 30 years in a different place in Notts ..oh no she said I know Mr x and his wife and remember going in their shop when I lived in the UK and their eldest son was a young boy ..now 50 ...She was sad to hear the news ..What are the chances of that ? In Frankston hospital in Australia on the day of my friends funeral ,preety slim ,but I know it was his way of acknowledging he was ok .and I could go home to ring his daughter and tell her the news :) :) So off I went for my MRI and I really dont know why they give you gowns at the back ? How on earth are you supposed to close them ? So I unceremoniously went into the room ..she asked me if I was nervous I said yes very she proceed to put on a helmet earphones ,so I could listen to the Eagles ? Except the song finishes and the drilling sound is still heard ..as I lay there I breathed slowly and could see My friends father in my mind ..just as I remember him 2 years ago ..surrounded by angels ..I didnt move one bit ,in fact they though I was asleep ? Thank you Bob and my Angels for not only validating your at peace on the day of your funeral .but for keeping me from pressing the red stop button xxx RIP
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:12:50 +0000

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