Would rather turn down an enlistment call by the Federal - TopicsExpress


Would rather turn down an enlistment call by the Federal Government of Nigeria s Army. And would rather aggressively refuse the invitation if deployed to the North East to fight Boko Haram insurgents than die like some nameless fowl on the battlefield. Because, even as soldiers die like some helpless fowls, politicians are still stealing, looting the nations treasury. And if I had been a woman, I would have told my husband to leave the Army because with the way things are going,theres no need to die purposelessly when all my efforts are been ruined by some political associates and the benefactors of this mass killings in the North are the oppositions. Would rather watch GEJs son,OBJs first son, IBBs younger brother, Tinubus cherished child,Buharis loved one at the battlefield and as foot soldiers first than accept to enlist in Nigerian Army and die like some nameless fowl or be stranded in Cameroon,be disarmed and be given some primary schools as accomodation. Please and please,do not this write-up is a presence way of disencouraging the army of youuths from joining the Army. As a matter of fact, unapologetically, unashamedly and incurable, I AM TELLING THE YOUTHS NOT ENLIST OR ACCEPT ENLISTMENT from this primitive Federal Government of Nigeria. Because,i am warning you, when you visit the six feet, some senior officers would enjoy your pension and you wife and kids would be ejected from the barrack just like they did to my mother. Trust me on this one,I speak and write from exprerience. Raelly, its not that the elites close relatives are not among those fighting this brutal Boko Haram Sects, just that they are scattered all over the juicy positions like the personnel or administratives corps. Check out the list of dead soldiers, youll see that many are foot soldiers and foot soldiers are usually the ones who get most of the terrors in the fight. Like I have said before now, never you accept to enlist in the Army because it has been poisioned and ruined. Theres no other person to take the blame for this rot than IBB hinself-then man who introduce bombing into Nigeria. All General IBB would tell you is I am sorry. Yet, the militaru has been spoilt in the sense that even has the war goes on, some senior Army officers are looting and jeopardising the foot soldiers efforts. . So, its a preprogrammed affair-this politicized military cannot win this war. They know what to do to end this crisis but they have refyres to do it. Like I said,I speak from experience-military sergeant Aregwameh Anthony Eramehs life is no longer the same as theres no difference between him and the dead-after fighting as a soldier to keep Nigeria together and as one,Federal Government has decided that the best thing to do is to dump him. Of course, hes not the only one, there thousands of retired soldiers in various capacities and even more heroic than those who are currently enjoying military pensions, just that these abandoned ones are mouthless and or no importamnce, just like the government is saying right now. There are different things to do with oneself- You can decide to be reckless like these thieves we call leaders, we can can decide to be unpatriotic and self-serving like our governors, or, to be some terribly unreliable statesmen who have lost hope in the survival of Nigeria. Also, we might even make up our mind to keep supporting like the Anenihs(Jona is the best President of Nigeria), Aondoakas (Anacondas-YarAdua can rule from. Anywhere in the world)) evils when the truth is obvious. Once again, I might be a pawn in the chess board of those who still believe in the judge not doctrine,yet, I merely set out to inform my likes that theres connivance to lure them to their grave through easy entrance into the Army and its alled means because,even the Chief of Defence for state has never for once visited the war front(he knows that its not safe to do that,yet, hes incharge of the funds to equip the soldiers but wont do that for reasons best known to him and his cohorts.If this write-up is not pleasant to you, then, stop reading and enlist and experience the terror firsthand. See all the lies: Boko Haramists,currently, are not allowing the bereaved ones to bury their dead. They are killing youths on sight and preaching their evil gospel to the people even as I put dopwn this line. Again, Nigerian Troops are stranded in the nation of Cameroon (hope Army Headquarters wont call it tactical maneuver this time around.) My point:Stay alive and see your kids than get enlisted and visit the six feet! Erameh Paul King writes from Lagos-(08062321913-SMS only)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:29:22 +0000

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