Would someone like to let my husband know... Lol Here are some - TopicsExpress


Would someone like to let my husband know... Lol Here are some ways you can spoil the pregnant woman in your life. 1. Empathize. A common argument in my house is that when I complain, my husband offers solutions. Solutions were the last things I wanted when I was pregnant. I wanted a sympathetic face, agreement, and a few, “I don’t know how you do its”, “That has to be soooo uncomfortables”, and “You are so amazings”. 2. Let her sleep. Nothing zaps your energy like pregnancy. Let her sleep in on the weekends, eat dinner in bed, and nap whenever possible. Trust me, she’s exhausted. 3. Run the errands. Short of the energy burst some women get in the second trimester, every effort is more labored (pun intended) than it was before pregnancy. A simple trip to the grocery store can become a dreaded nightmare. Offer to help with carpooling your older children, picking up dinner, dropping off dry cleaning, and even putting gas in her car. { MORE: Third Trimester Checklist } 4. Be involved. Nothing makes us happier than knowing you are as excited and as prepared for having a baby as we are. Go to as many doctor’s appointments as you can. Hold her hand (and your breath) when you see your baby on the ultrasound screen. Take birthing classes without complaint. Read the books… and then discuss them with her. Handle the registry gun at Babies R Us like it’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done, and, for the love of Oprah, engage with her baby bump like you expect it to engage right back! 5. Pamper her. I am a bit of a freak of nature and don’t typically enjoy massage, but by my sixth month of pregnancy, there were few things I craved more. Rub her. Feet, calves, shoulders, hands… doesn’t matter. Also, painting her own toenails may be a thing of the past until her belly gets out of the way. Buy her a pedicure or offer to give her one at home. 6. Hire a housekeeper. No, you don’t need a live-in maid, but coming home to a spotless house – just once even – is food for a pregnant woman’s soul. Our minds are jumbled with baby chaos, and our bodies no longer allow us to bend to extract the dust bunnies from behind the toilet. Providing us with a clean house without any effort will score you big points. Can’t afford a maid service? Bust out the rubber gloves and scouring pads! You will probably do a better job anyway. { MORE: 11 Housecleaning Tips for the Lazy } 7. Buy the loot. Babies are expensive, and I realize money doesn’t grow on trees, but don’t get so wrapped up in saving for the baby that you fail to spend money on the pregnancy. Make sure she has enough maternity clothes to keep her from sobbing in her closet each morning. Buy a pregnancy pillow. Do it. Maybe she needs a yoga ball to sit on, a bigger bra, or bigger, more comfy shoes? Maybe flowers would brighten up her nightstand and her week? Spending a little money on mom can make a world of difference for the whole family. 8. Get a push present. I’m not talking about something extravagant. I’m not even saying you have to buy something. But the woman who just gave birth to your child needs something commemorative that says, “I love you. Thank You. We did it!” Scribble all your emotions and gratitude on a hospital napkin if that’s what it takes. Buy her a bracelet with your baby’s birthstone. Collect a rock from the landscaping outside of the birthing center and tell her she’s your rock. Make her feel special. Let her know you know she’s amazing and strong and that she’s already the very best mother on Earth.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 21:58:53 +0000

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