Would someone please explain to me where a person is to draw the - TopicsExpress


Would someone please explain to me where a person is to draw the line with expressing truth? When and where does it become gossip? The senior pastor of the church in Lakeland Florida, where a certain revivalist held his revivals all those years ago... the pastor that was made aware of a certain affair but continued to allow the revivals nonetheless, is currently practicing the good old boy network even today concerning the stalker Ive been having to deal with... by enabling his elder to NOT hold his close friend accountable. And so the stalking continues. And in fact, now the spouse of the stalker, threatens only to increase the harassment. The elder himself has publicly wrongfully accused me of false accusation for over a year, according to said lies manufactured by the stalker. My point here, is not to bring my personal laundry to the public and somehow glorify Todd L Thomas in my suffering, ok?... my point here, is the body can only do what the head tells it to. The pastor, is not holding his elder accountable. He is covering the backside of his longtime friend, the elder, thus enabling truth to be withheld and lies to stand. The elder is covering the backside of his longtime friend, the stalker and her husband. You see the cycle... of what happened years ago with the revivalist... where truth was denied in the name of ministry popularity and gain of ministry wealth... and now, even today, truth is denied, though in a smaller scale, and concerning a lesser-known minister, being myself. IF LEADERSHIP WOULD ACTUALLY STEP UP AND HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE AND DO THEIR JOB AND BE MORE CONCERNED WITH GODS WILL,THAN NUMBER OF BOTTOMS OCCUPYING SEATS IN THEIR CHURCHES AND AMOUNT OF OFFERING IN THE OFFERING PLATES, THIS WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING, would it? THIS is called religion. Look at it. Smell the stench. Learn to recognize it. THIS is what you want to always RUN FROM. There is a reason that church has dwindled to nearly nothing over the years. Go, see for yourself. The Presence of God is not drawn the the Gospel of Man. Nor does it glory in the work of flesh, such as entertaining the release of harassing spirits. Even if there is correction to be brought, it is to be done in private, and in love. IT STARTS WITH THOSE IN THE PULPIT. WHEN IT FAILS THERE, IT FAILS THROUGHOUT. It is time Christians learn to stand up and hold one another accountable. THAT INCLUDES PASTORS, even those who have their self proclaimed claim to fame who ride the coat tails of the anointing of others... and yes, do it in love, of course. My prayer, is that the SPARK of the HOLY FIRE OF GOD would be lit at Ignited Church in Lakeland Florida... God do a work... and certainly start with MY HEART, Lord!! -T
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:07:54 +0000

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