Would we have ObamaCare if the President had told the truth and - TopicsExpress


Would we have ObamaCare if the President had told the truth and not lied? Again and again, he promised Americans they could keep their health insurance. They cant. Millions of policies are being canceled. Again and again, he told Americans they would save money. They are not. Premiums are skyrocketing. Even worse, the millions of Americans who are losing insurance cant find any replacements. The federal exchanges are broken and the insurance companies are reacting because government thought it could control the main street private sector. In fact, when asked how many have successfully enrolled in ObamaCare, HHS Secretary Sebelius testified, The application process, at this point, does not work end to end. That might be the Administrations only honest statement about ObamaCare. Its time for truth. Its time for accountability. Its time to realize that the only thing this president has gone is a failure and the government, regardless of who is president, does not have the ability to even come close to doing what guided private industry can do and if you have doubts just look at the Department of Education and how they have repressed the black population for decades or the Department of Energy with a budget of $16 Billion dollars has not decreased but increase US dependence on foreign oil or the Post Office which lost $15 Billion dollars last year and it would be easy to go on. The government is broken! NO ONE SHOULD BE RE-ELECTED - NO ONE!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:03:14 +0000

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