Would you add in some nuts or seeds into your meals if you knew - TopicsExpress


Would you add in some nuts or seeds into your meals if you knew they can improve your memory and possibly help you to think better during exams? Here are some brain food recommendations that might be able to assist you during stressful periods of your academic year! 1. Oily fish I’m sure you have heard of the saying that fish is great brain food. Its true! Salmon, sardines and mackerel are amongst the healthiest types of fish. Why? Because they contain lots of protein and omega 3, which is essential to keep a functioning brain working well. 2. Peanut butter Many people think peanut butter is an unhealthy food, but it actually contains healthy fats and lots of protein per serving. This means that as a brain food, just a little can keep you full for a long time. 3. Eggs Eggs are a powerhouse of amino acids, good fats, vitamins and minerals. Go that extra mile and buy free range – and organic if possible. Eat boiled, poached or scrambled, but forget the fried. 4. Coffee Avoid stomach-churning energy drinks, and go for a cup of coffee instead – even the smell will make you feel more awake! And while drinking too much coffee is certainly bad for you, research has also shown that appropriate amount of coffee a day can actually be beneficial. Warning: do not overdose! 5. Healthy Snacks For healthy snacks throughout the day, have a pot of mixed seeds near to hand, especially pumpkin and sunflower. Seeds make for healthy snacks that are high in the minerals magnesium, potassium, zinc and selenium; these are essential for good concentration, memory and keeping us calm. Magnesium can help with insomnia – vital for those suffering from lack of sleep during exams. 5. Dark chocolate Finally, a bit of a treat! Dark chocolate may not be to everyone’s taste, but it is the healthiest way to enjoy one of the world’s favorite foods. If you need a little reward halfway through writing up that essay or report, go for some really good quality dark chocolate. It’s been found to increase the flow of blood to the brain, as well as bringing lots of other health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and boosting antioxidants. 6. Blueberries Evidence accumulated at Tufts University in the United States suggests that the consumption of blueberries may be effective in improving or delaying short term memory loss. Widely available, so theres no excuse. 7. Whole Grains The ability to concentrate and focus comes from the adequate, steady supply of energy - in the form of glucose in our blood to the brain. Achieve this by choosing whole grains with a low-GI, which release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, keeping you mentally alert throughout the day. Opt for brown cereals, wheatbran, granary bread and brown pasta. [Credits] topuniversities/blog/brain-food-what-eat-when-revising topuniversities/blog/brain-food-part-2 topuniversities/blog/foods-fuel-brain bbcgoodfood/howto/guide/10-foods-boost-your-brainpower
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:53:58 +0000

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