Would you be for term limits? ~ Connie Patriots Defending - TopicsExpress


Would you be for term limits? ~ Connie Patriots Defending America August 18 With the ongoing addition of new members in our effort to use Article 5 to impose Term Limits on the US Congress without the approval of the US Congress, I am posting and pinning to the top of the page a simple outline of the steps we are taking to make this happen. 1. Increase our numbers as much and as quickly as possible by making others aware of the option to Amend the US Constitution to include Term Limits for the US Congress without their approval. 2. Become educated on the topic. If we want to be taken seriously, we must know what we are talking about. There are certain arguments that will continuously arise regarding Term Limits. Read the FACT image/articles on the page so that we ALL have an understanding and foundation from which to build. 3. Create the actual Amendment. We must be able to approach the public and the State governments with an actual Amendment, not simply a request for Term Limits. Without a defined Amendment, each State will end up creating its own and we will find ourselves spinning our wheels while the State governments battle over whose is better. 4. Strategize and coordinate. We will need to map out whom we have and where they are. We will need a central contact point for each state and contact points throughout each State. We will need a baseline petition that defines our Amendment and request to the State governments, so that all completed petitions will be in a unified format for consolidation of petitions at the State level. We will need to coordinate with other organizations. We will need to build a realistic timeline of events. By taking the time to coordinate in advance, we can provide a professional and consolidated front across the entire nation. 5. Begin the Movement. There will be petitions, flyers, town hall meetings, rallies, and door-to-door efforts. There is no waiting until tomorrow. There is no hoping that someone will fix our problems. It is time that we stood together and changed the direction of our Country’s future. Every day the Aristocracy in the US Congress continues to eat away at the freedom and strength of our Country. The health of our nation has reached a critical stage. THIS IS THE FIRST STEP AND IT IS A STEP THAT ALL AMERICANS MUST TAKE TOGETHER.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:50:01 +0000

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