Would you be upset if this was your kid? Exactly. Well when - TopicsExpress


Would you be upset if this was your kid? Exactly. Well when was the last time you sat with a friend and harmlessly laughed at someone? Unless a person is hurting someone/thing through their choices, how DARE we judge them for their actions and treat them like theyre less than we are? It doesnt just happen in the schoolyard or online, we are all guilty of bullying and/or judging people because they dont fit a certain mould; because theyre different; because they do things we wouldnt. We all laugh, we snicker behind our hands, we gossip and we criticise. We make fun, tease and have a joke. Its not okay. Who the hell are we to decide whether another persons choices are good enough or funny? Grow up people. Educate your kids and lead by example. We are NOT better than anyone else. We do not have any right to put someone down or joke about them to each other. Its pathetic and its encouraging a trend that is spiralling out of control. How many kids have to die before we realise how messed up we are? No, youre not having a bit of a joke. Youre being a bully. Its not okay. Wake up.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:28:52 +0000

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