Would you believe it if I told you that most people do not believe - TopicsExpress


Would you believe it if I told you that most people do not believe in things supernatural? Its true! Because when they actual witness something paranormal ... they cant get out of there quick enough. Case in point ... my roommate and I went two visit two friends of his ... both females. Somehow, the conversation got around to seances ... and the thought it was too cool that Id had some pretty cool things happen during a seance I was taking part in, or actually hosting myself. So, all excited, they wanted to have a seance. Now, the first thing I tell people is that if they have a recent injury, a bleeding, within the last 12 hours, NO SEANCE! Bad things can happen to such a person. They had no problems like that, so we took our seats around their round dining table ... held hands ... and I began asking for a contact. All of the sudden their sliding glass door, to their balcony, slid open, and a huge windstorm swept into their apartment causing the curtains to flap wildly ... a noise of some sort accompanied it, and that was the end of the seance, and the end of the night ... thank you for coming, sorry we have to cut the evening short ... bye now! They could not get me out of their apartment fast enough! And that is pretty much how most people react when they discover it isnt just a fun little game! And I dont blame them one bit ... messing around with a seance is pretty stupid ... it can cause enormous problems into your life ... because it isnt like the movies where the medium has a guide ... there are no guides ... there are only disembodied consciousnesses that are no longer attached to a living brain ... and some of these consciousnesses are of people that were really nasty when they were attached to a mind and body, and you just dont want to mess with them. Now, my opinion of the wind is that it was a sudden gust of wind ... nothing more, and they only thought they had closed the sliding door. Seriously, the wind cannot open a sliding glass door, unless its part of a tornado. However, and the main point is that a gust of wind shook them up enough to want me gone. Now, the same goes for Angels. People may say they believe in Angels, but most people have to see it to believe it ... and if they see it, they are out of there! There lies my problem. I have no problem with telling people I have an Angel that communicates with me ... and they think its cool ... until something happens that proves to them that I really do have an Angel communicating with me ... at which point they no longer want anything to do with me ... because the unknown scares the hell out of people! Which explains why we havent progressed much, religiously, for centuries. We still cling to the same beliefs our anchestors clung to ... and ... it did as much good for them as it does for us ... zilch! Basically, because the average person does not believe in GOD ... because we need physical proof! Oh, we want to believe ... so much so that we will become holy rollers that praise the lord on Saturday/Sunday, and come Saturday/Sunday night, theyre right back to their usual antics until next Saturday/Sunday. You see, if they really believed in GOD ... people would do 95% of the things they do on a daily basis! GoodNight ... SweetPickles!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:51:02 +0000

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