Would you ever guess the girl on the left would be able to do - TopicsExpress


Would you ever guess the girl on the left would be able to do this?!? I know I didnt. When I saw this move come up for the first time my initial reaction was holy #%^* you want me to do what!!??! Then I thought what do I have to lose by trying? I can try to do one and then do the modified version if needed. So I dug deep, told myself yes I can and went for it and guess what? I was able to do it!! And it was actually fun!! We are so much stronger then we give ourselves credit for and often quit when that little voice says I cant instead of trusting in our own inner strength and shouting back yes I can!! This ability isnt always easy and not something that develops overnight. Just like you need to put in daily exercise to become strong you need to practice saying I can over and over again until you start to believe it. When I first started working out three years ago I was 30 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight and had never done a workout DVD in my life. I remember 3 pound weights were heavy, push-ups were impossible, my core strength was zilch, and any kind of plyometric moves felt impossible. But I didnt let that stop me. I was determined to recognize myself in the mirror again and to feel confident in my own skin. I was sick and tired of not feeling like me!! So I picked a day to start and went for it. It wasnt perfect or pretty or easy but with consistent effort and some incredible support from other women doing it with me, I pushed forward and started to notice changes. I still remember the feeling of being able to do one real push-up. The confidence that gave me is something no one can take away. Soon I needed heavier weights and was able to tackle some of the jumping moves and that felt amazing! My clothes started to fit better and I started to like who I saw staring back at me in the mirror again. I was slowly reclaiming myself. For those of you who arent currently active and may look at my videos thinking there is no way you could do this, know that I know exactly how you feel! I was there once myself! I know what it feels like to not know where or how to start so you dont. I know what it feels like to see pictures of yourself and say, who is that woman? Thats not me!! And I know what it feels like to change. To feel like yourself again and to confident in your body. I want to give everyone that feeling!! Trust me, it is better then anything else I can imagine!! If you are wanting help or guidance on how to get started nothing would make me happier then to help you!! Please reach out and we will do this together, hand in hand, day by day!! If I can do it, you can too!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:20:03 +0000

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