Would you like to hear an interesting story? Come with me on a - TopicsExpress


Would you like to hear an interesting story? Come with me on a journey: Were at the level beyond time/space where souls exist as whole, yet still individual. One particular soul is having final preparations done to incarnate. He knows what this will mean, he has done it countless times before. He has spent ages . preparing with other beings. He knows that it will mean seeing himself in countless forms he wont recognise. But thats ok, because he can FEEL through that, to the essence. The plan was to come in fully awake, as an avatar, and help humanity awaken to remember their true purpose. Or so he thought... With great celebration, he stands at the beginning of what seems like a wind tunnel. Its dark, with glimmers of gold. He knows that it will take him down through all the Stargates, until he reaches his chosen space/time co-ordinates. His family, his physical DNA, his purpose: they are all there. He steps into the tunnel. There is a howling of wind and he feels a pull - more inwards than forwards - as he starts down his journey. The first stargate he comes to is the 14th stargate. He knows this one! Some very nice light beings reside here, and he likes them. He always felt uneasy around them, but that was probably because they were so glaringly beautiful: all bight light and grandure, as befits such grand beings! He slows down as he passes the gates, and finds an honor guard waiting, and salutes them. They salute back, yet they look as though they want to speak. They motion him to come forward... We know who you are, and we know the mission you are on. We agree that the time is now. We also understand that you are a great being, and we would like to ask you a favour: Take a portion of our consciousness down with you, to embed into the earth. With your DNA, we would be properly represented and integrated into Gaias grid. And the inhabitants of Earth would love the powers we would offer... How could he refuse? It would be my honour to serve in this way. I will implant it directly into earth through my incarnation, through my Earth Star, and directly into Gaias grid. The beings, all dressed in their ceremonial robes, bowed in appreciation, and the required preparations were made. Wow. This felt... Different. Strangely sluggish, but that was obviously from the extra DNA that had latched on to be transmuted... Onwards! The journey was slower now, and he began to see the rainbow-streaked walls of the tunnel begin to take forms. He was approaching the place of limbo, the holding ground between heaven and earth, spirit and matter, time and space, where all was neutral and balanced, and where it was still possible to turn back. Looking behind him, he saw the others who were of his DNA, avatars, who would incarnate at different times in order to help Earth in her ascension process, and humans in their evolution in consciousness. They were but shadows, yet he could sense their presence... As he approached limbo, he had an odd sensation, an uneasiness, a strange thumping sound: something wasnt right... There it was before him, the golden orb of The Holding Zone. He entered the forecefield, and immediately felt a sense of relief, as all his dna entered a holding pattern around him, beginning the process of incarnation. Still, this feeling bothered him. He called in to Home Base: No answer. What is going on up there? He tried again, and all he could see was a black line streaming upwards to the 14th stargate. Wait, what? That isnt supposed to be there! He looked further back: He saw the 14th Stargate, where those beautiful beings had been and saw them, but now, something was different. They were transforming before his eyes! They became darker and darker, smaller, and started growing horns and scaly skin. Sweet Baby Jesus! DRAKONIANS! Drakonians are the masters of disguise, the tricksters of the galaxy. Looking almost like a cross between a lizard and a dragon, speaking in hisses, they had mastered DNA to such a degree that they could appear as anything they chose to. The only way to see through them, was through feeling. A sense of dread gripped him, as he observed his comrades entering the holding zone, one by one. He remembered that they wanted to control Earth, and all who live on it, to harvest humanitys energy and rich DNA for their own uses and research. To them, human were like cattle, or monkeys in a lab... By now, the others had incarnated, and had the same feeling of confusion on their faces. It was time to call a meeting... By now, youve all realised what has happened: Weve been fooled! These are NOT the time/space co-ordinates we had chosen! What can we do now? If we incanate, we will incorporate Drakonian DNA into the grid of earth, and give them control over a large part of earths shielding! Theres only one thing to do, the leading soul stepped forward, and you all know what it is. If you want to turn back and guide us from up there, now is the time. We will need you. There is no judgement here. There was a hushed silence, as the souls went within to determine their truth. They knew what had to be done: They would incarnate, in the wrong co-ordinates, into the wrong families, dna, bloodlines and areas. But it had to be done: they had to deactive their Earth Star Chakra, the Drakonians point of entry into Gaias Grid system... This meant NOT going in awake. It meant a life of confusion, disconnection from Earth and from their purpose, of not belonging, of seperation on all levels. But there was a plan. The beings that went back would intervene in certain key points in their lives on earth, in order to help them remember. Futhermore, certain loyal and close beings would incarnate, into these wrong families as friends and relatives, in order to help them remember. It was a risk, but it had to be done. Earth has come too far to miss this opportunity to ascend. If she has to wait another 25 000 years, there will be no humans left on her to ascend with... The soul understood his mission: He understood that he would be a focus point for the beings that would change the world to coordinate into an organised group and work together. He understood that he would organise these beings into key points on gaia in order to shake off that which was stopping her ascension. He understood that he would release the knowledge that he had kept safe in him since the dawn of time, for humanity and through them, all beings, to learn. And, as he ran off the edge and took the final leap into incarnation, he understood the thing that would affect him the most: He would remember none of it. It was a long way down, and then it was dark... -CK
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:32:15 +0000

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