Wouldnt it be marvelous to have news programs that didnt push an - TopicsExpress


Wouldnt it be marvelous to have news programs that didnt push an agenda. All of them from CNN, PBS, to FOX NEWS, all spin the facts to support their world view. I know that this will disturb many of you, but here is the breakdown : This years numbers show that 35 percent trusted the Fox News Channel, more than any other outlet, followed by the Public Broadcasting Service at 14 percent, the Cable News Network at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, MSNBC and Comedy Central tied at 6 percent, and just 3 percent for NBC. Fox has grown to be the most trusted network, because the traditional news outlets have become so blatant in their twisting the truth and omitting critical information, for many of you Fox is thought of has the rights daily spokesmen, it still has more credibility than jokes like MSNBC. I have asked left wing friends, if they have ever watched Fox, 90 percent get very riled up and say. I wont watch that nonsense, its all lies. Truth is people, like it or not. The hard news people at Fox. Are way more accurate than the other networks. Im not talking about the ORileys, or the Hannitys. But the news programs. I remember a time when Walter Cronkite, and others like him, kept us informed. Good or bad, but truth. The American people can handle the truth, they can fix the problems, but big government doesnt want us having that information. Not just Obama, its been coming for years, its just gotten to be so blatant under the current administration, if you hop between CNN, MSNBC, FOX and the major outlets like CBS, NBC, ( a joke lately) and ABC. It is so obvious we are being manipulated. Im not covering for fox, they have a few that are laughable, but Al Sharpton with his own show. Hell, its a testament to our country that we are not slaughtering each other in the streets. Do yourself a favor, find out the truth for yourself, dont trust some lackie in the pocket of either party. You will discover, that the majority if U.S. Citizens want the same thing, a life that is well within our grasp to provide. But our system had been taken over, quietly and over time. A wedge is being purposely driven between races, between Republicans and Democrats, any place they find a weakness, they exploit it. We now have a fully militarization of our police forces. .....why? We are the only westernized country in the world that doesnt fully protect its borders. ....why. There are countless games being played, way too many to mention, being blown up to cover up the real problems that we face. We can fix this, but we must all have a little faith in the founding fathers and the constitution and bill of rights, in each other, and in our ability to face the truth. Try it, I promise, the fog begins to lift, and things dont look quite so insurmountable. Pappy
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 18:11:48 +0000

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