Wow -- David Camerons plan to force fracking on us just hit a new - TopicsExpress


Wow -- David Camerons plan to force fracking on us just hit a new low. The prime minister wants to change the law to allow fracking firms to drill under our homes. But now hes fast-tracking his plan through Parliament at a blistering rate. Only a HUGE backlash from our MPs can stop him -- and weve got just days to make it happen. Can you forward this email to a friend and ask them to sign the petition? If thousands more of us join in, our MPs will think twice before voting for Camerons plan. Your friends can sign here: Thanks to public pressure, fracking bans are already in place in France and Bulgaria. And just last month New York joined the list of US states that have taken action to stop the industry. Despite massive opposition, David Cameron is determined to bring fracking to the UK. And right now, hes on the cusp of changing our laws to make it easier to roll it out. But the prime ministers plan cant get the go ahead without approval from MPs -- and inside the halls of Westminster, a backlash is starting. The Scottish National Party and the Green Party have spoken out against Camerons plan. Amongst Labour and the Lib Dems voices of dissent are on the rise, whilst Conservatives are feeling increasingly nervous as we approach the election. MPs will vote on the issue before the end of this month -- thats far earlier than expected and a move that would slash the time for debate and scrutiny. 146,000 people have already asked our MPs to vote against Camerons plan, but if were going to make this huge, well need as many as possible of us on board. Please ask your friends to sign the petition to all MPs: Were piling the pressure on before the crucial vote. Alongside our friends at 38 Degrees and Friends of the Earth, teams of volunteers will visit several MPs at their offices -- handing over our petition face-to-face. And then next week well double our impact by sending letters to every single Westminster MP, telling them whos signed the petition in their constituency and calling on them to vote down Camerons plan. Together we’ll make this petition unmissable, so please forward this email to your friends today. They can sign at: Lets keep going! Richard
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:50:03 +0000

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