Wow. Chilling. Red Skeleton was on black and white tv when I was a - TopicsExpress


Wow. Chilling. Red Skeleton was on black and white tv when I was a kid-- 50-60s!! My family watched him all the time. So true his words ring today. Every person should listen and absorb these words. And allow their children to listen. It is not an --us and them-- it is WE!! Everyone will never always agree but we can always compromise. This is the greatest country in the world and WE need to make sure The Pledge of Allegiance is honored by our actions. We do need a God/ higher wisdom guiding us. It seems God has been eliminated and look what has happened. Mere selfish mortals have taken the helm. How is that working for us?? More chaos and violence and separation each day. The devil is laughing with delight. Divide and conquer. It is working. I want a country where we are concerned about everyones right. Where people do what is right because we want to, not forced too. Where people treat everyone with respect in personal and business venture. A country where one person doesnt hurt another. A country where one person doesnt tromped over another to get ahead. A country so full of pride for itself and in itself that its citizens just naturally take care of each other and help each other through its pitfalls. A country where we truly teach the works respect and pride. A country that is kind. A country that is safe for my children and grandchildren to thrive not survive. We have that country. It is the United States of America. I think we allow the 15 % of evil to overshadow the 85% of those willing to work to make the country flow easier. This year, get involved. Elect politicians who will limit terms and work for the people. Vote out the old politicians who are corroding the system. Lifetime politicians are a problem. They have nobodys interest but their own at stake . This isnt about Republicans and Democrats. This is about people who will totally work for the good of our country and there are good people in both Republican and Democratic Party who can. We need a blended house, we need a blended country so all voices can be heard. We need an American party!!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:31:05 +0000

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