Wow! Hallelujah! Share To Many! Friends, How is your first love - TopicsExpress


Wow! Hallelujah! Share To Many! Friends, How is your first love towards GOD? Today Pastor wants to share with you some encouraging thoughts from two verses from The Book Of Revelation as written in Holy Bible. These two verses are as follows: Revelation 2:4-5 (NKJV) 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent. In Rev 2:4, JESUS is not pleased with the condition of the Church in Ephesus. His solemn verdict here shows that although the earlier verse 2 and verse 3 reveals the Ephesian Christians had done some good work by resisting the false apostles, not all was well with this church. They had failed GOD by forsaken or had let go of their first love towards GOD. Therefore, JESUS makes it very clear that when a Christian leaves his or her first love for GOD, it is a very serious issue in the eyes of GOD. If we do not correct this shortcoming urgently, the result could end up in the loss of the priceless privilege that GOD has given to us to be His light-bearer to the nations (v. 5). Indeed, JESUS will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent! Some commentators interprets the first love to refer to the original Christian love the Ephesians had for one another. Pauls exhortation to the Ephesian elders to help the weak (Acts 20:35) and the warm commendation he gives them in their early years for their fervent love of one another (Eph 1:15) may lend some support to this view. Many commentators, however, see the first love as a reference to the Ephesian Church passionate inner devotion to Christ that they had originally exhibited in their earlier commitment towards GOD. It is like the love of a newly wedded bride for her husband (cf. Eph 5:22ff.). This interpretation is clearly supported by the fact that the letters to the other churches in Book Of Revelation reveal problems of inner betrayal to Christ as subjects of JESUS rebuke on the churches. Take heed that our devotion to Christ can easily get lost in the midst of activities and other church-related services. GOD wants our 100% love, our worship and loyalty towards Him, more than activities and activities that many times now characterise many churches around the world. Being involved and busy with lots of activities by a church does not necessarily mean that church is living right with GOD. Most important is we must continue steadfast and to grow even more in our first love towards GOD. First love mentioned in Rev 2:4 suggests here that the Ephesian Christians is not without love. They still showed they had love for GOD, but their love is with a quality and intensity unlike that of their initial first love. And JESUS is very displeased. In Rev 2:5, JESUS stern command further exposes the problem and offers a way to correct the fault of the Ephesian Christians. The types of imperatives issued by JESUS to the Ephesian Church are instructive: Remember... repent... do. The Ephesian Christians are to reflect on their earlier works of fervent love, to ponder how far they have fallen from their former devotion and enthusiasm towards GOD. They are commanded to humbly repent before God, and to do their former works motivated by the first love for GOD. These imperatives are all part of a single action designed to keep the Ephesian Church from the judgment of Christ, which would effectively remove them as his representatives in the world. Yes, How many churches today are standing at this same crossroads as the Church In Ephesus? Are we alert of the danger we have fallen into, in our walk with JESUS? Have you lost your first love? If so, what action have you taken to make things right with GOD again? To love JESUS means also to love sinners and to Win Perishing Souls with The Gospel Message so they may find forgiveness for sin and obtain GODS Gift Of Eternal Life In JESUS. This is to obey and do the commands of JESUS to Preach The GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION To All Nations To The Ends Of The Earth! Amen. This threat of loss of light bearing applies equally to the other four churches to whom a similar exhortation to repent is given by JESUS. They are the Churches in Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, and Laodicea. May you remember always to keep your first love 100 % for JESUS! Amen and Amen. Perhaps there are some of you who are reading this and you are still not a Christian yet. If so, do you believe The Holy Bible is the WORD Of GOD? If you do, then you know that all that is written in it is GODS Truth. And because it is GODS Truth, all that GOD has revealed in Holy Bible will surely come to pass in due time. Pastor must also here inform you of this solemn Bible Truth. There is Life after death! Yes, once a person dies physically, his or her Soul and Spirit will leave the dead body and enter into Eternity. Do you know that Eternal Life and Final Judgment Are Executed Through GOD The Son - JESUS CHRIST? It is appointed unto man once to die and then judgment before GOD - Hebrews 9:27 Yes, We each must stand in Judgment before JESUS one final day. No one is exempt! Young or Old, Rich or Poor - we each has to appear before JESUS. The great difference is that Forgiven Sinners who have accepted GODS Plan To Save Sinners Through JESUS will be judged unto rewards for how they have lived for JESUS, and not unto judgment for condemnation. But Unforgiven Sinners tragically will be judged not to receive rewards but to face the eternal punishment and wrath of GOD and will be cast into The Lake Of Fire, because they have chosen to reject GODS Plan To Save Sinners Through JESUS CHRIST. Today, There is GOOD NEWS Still for all who has still not obtained GODS Forgiveness. You need not fall into GODS Wrath against Unrepentant Sinners, unless you do nothing and continue to remain in your Unforgiven Sin Status! You can settle your Unforgiven Sin Status right now by turning to JESUS. Listen to these words spoken by JESUS CHRIST - The Only Begotten Son of GOD as recorded in John 5:24 24 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Again in John 3:16-18 GOD proclaims these words: 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (JESUS) should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him (JESUS) might be saved. 18 He who believes in Him (JESUS) is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Hallelujah! Thanks be to GOD - Because GOD IS RIGHTEOUS, in His great mercies and compassion, GOD had already provided THE ONLY WAY OUT to all sinners who will turn from their sin and come in genuine faith to ask for His forgiveness, and to surrender their life to the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST. In so doing, you will be a Forgiven Sinner and become a Saved Soul before GOD. GOD will then grant you entry into His HEAVENLY HOME, where you will spend your Eternity with GOD forever. You will no longer be under sins condemnation but has passed from Judgment unto Eternal Life! This is entirely by the Grace of GOD, not because you are good enough on your own to deserve GODS Forgiveness for your sins. If you are Unsaved Soul Still this is what you need to do to Get SAVED. You need to in genuine faith - Repent of your sins before GOD, ask JESUS to forgive your sins and invite JESUS CHRIST into your life to be your SAVIOR AND LORD. You can do so here right now. Pastor will now lead you STEP BY STEP In Prayer To Say Your REPENTANCE Before GOD. GOD will hear you if you truly mean what you say. In true sincerity of heart and spirit before GOD, now say these words aloud to GOD in Prayer sentence by sentence after Pastor, with your eyes open: Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST, I believe you are the SON OF GOD. I believe you are THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. Only You Alone has authority and power to forgive my sins. I believe You died for me by shedding your precious blood on the Cross at Calvary. I believe you resurrected on the third day and you ascended in glory to HEAVEN and is now seated in Honor on the right hand of Father GOD. LORD JESUS, I confess I am a Sinner before you. I am sorry for my sins. I repent before you. I turn from my sin to follow you. Please forgive me for every sin I have committed. I humbly ask you to come into my life to be my SAVIOR AND MY LORD. I want to trust, obey and follow you. I hereby submit fully under your Authority and your LORDSHIP. Upon the Authority of GODS WORD - The Holy Bible, I now claim your Free Gift Of Eternal Life. I claim your Promise to write my name in The LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE in HEAVEN. Please help me to abide in you and in your WORD. Give me strength to remain faithful to follow, obey and do your commands from this day forward. Thank you LORD JESUS for SAVING My Soul and giving me ETERNAL LIFE. I now know that if I will to die today my Soul and my Spirit will immediately return to you to live with you in HEAVEN forever and ever. I pray all this giving you grateful thanks in your Mighty Name, LORD JESUS. Amen. Hallelujah! If you have in true sincere faith confessed this PRAYER before GOD and you mean what you had confessed, Pastor rejoices to Welcome you into The Family Of CHRIST. Wherever you are, Pastor encourages you to locate a Bible Believing and Bible Preaching Church that honors JESUS CHRIST near to you and ask to speak with the Pastor there. Let the Pastor know that you have ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST TO BE YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD and you would like to fellowship with the Church and to learn and grow strong in your new walk with JESUS. GOD bless you and keep you safe in His Fold always. Amen. Add me as friend if you would like to be ministered with GOD’S WORD here in our Church on Facebook on a regular basis. And come often to our Facebook Page so you may fellowship here and receive spiritual nourishment for your soul. GOD bless you. Pastor Ben Soon. COME AND WATCH: TWO DESTINIES - Sermon By Pastor Ben Soon (Snowy Mountain Church)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:07:35 +0000

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