Wow,I am reading this with tears in my eyes. You nailed it. Nailed - TopicsExpress


Wow,I am reading this with tears in my eyes. You nailed it. Nailed what I have been trying to verbalize since this whole fury erupted. Death threats? Death threats against a police officer, a fellow human being who would (and does) endanger his life to try his best to keep order in our society, the streets safe & little children to hopefully be able to retain their innocence just a bit longer. And God forbid, when the unthinkable does happen, he still holds his head high, carries through his duty....and then goes home & cries in the garage before walking in to hug his family. There is something so deeply, disappointingly wrong with the way people have lit the pitch & torches over this unfortunate incident. Im sure the officer regrets his actions, a split decision he made in the heat of rhe moment. Had he been given more time to think, he may not have pulled his gun. I have had a dog come at me barking and ferocious and the rush of adrenaline is overwhelming. Yes, he should have checked to see if there was a dog first. Yes he could have done things hindsight. This is also the same man that was a honored hero in the Trolley Square massacre. I am so sick of the police hater bandwagon. I, for one, choose not to join the bandwagon of mob mentality fury that gets stirred up every time a police officer makes a mistake. Yes, this is a tragedy. This was unfortunate & Im broken-hearted for those that love Geist. Im sorry that Geist is gone and the actions cannot be reversed. But as a mother of young children, I would not ask the police to ever be less proactive in their search efforts. The rage could just as easily be directed towards the mother who didnt know her young child was in the house the entire time. (But thats not as fun as calling for a mans head on a pike, his livelihood & another chance to sink a left hook at the much hated police) If this child had been hurt in any way, I can guarantee the public outcry would be even more horrific & heated that the police did not do more. These officers are in a no-win situation. I support them.....and choose to practice forgiveness (even as a dog lover) and pray for this officers family and his safety and job security. Maybe we should all take a step back and 1. Think about the mistakes we have made in judgment or a time when we overreacted. 2. Ask if we each truly believe in humanity & supporting/helping our fellow brother to succeed and be better always. A big thanks to all those who protect & serve without cherrypicking, even when those they are called to serve hate & disparage them. I appreciate each & every one of you & believe in the system of governance to correct mistakes & focus on training opportunities. Any police officer is welcome to enter my yard at any time without a search warrant.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:33:07 +0000

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