Wow! I don’t know about you but I can’t believe that the month - TopicsExpress


Wow! I don’t know about you but I can’t believe that the month of June has just zipped past! Summer is now officially in full swing as evidenced by families going on vacations, enjoying the surf and spending vast quantities of quality time outdoors weather permitting. To be sure it is a great relief to be in the great outdoors after a lingering and somewhat confining ‘’Arctic-like’’ winter. Once the weather broke and the Island blooms were still in their nascent stage of development, I gingerly tread outdoors without a coat. Just this past week I have made periodic jaunts to the local beach parks to marinate myself with a few applications of suntan lotion alongside countless others in the quest for that tropical tanned look. You know- the one that retailers promise us if we but use their product! Yes, dear readers, my vanity button has been unavoidably pushed when it comes to that coveted suntan. As we bask in the caressing and warm rays of the sun we can thoroughly appreciate our inalienable freedom to direct the course of our respective lives. Here in the United States we do not have an intrusive government who dictates when and if we can lay out in the glorious sunshine. Nowhere else on this planet is this possible. We are truly a ‘’Melting Pot” since no matter where we direct our line of sight we encounter individuals of every color and ethnicity. Remember that American history is rich with the enthralling stories of the diverse groups of immigrants who built the foundation of this wondrous country. Right up to this day immigrants continue to make America their adopted homeland with the words -American Dream- emblazoned across their foreheads. In all the wars where America have played a major role courageous men and women of every ethnicity have stood alongside each other to fight for a common cause and that is to preserve the rights of their countrymen and the tenets on which this country was built . Therefore, in addition to celebrating America’s birthday on July 4th we need to extend our appreciation to all those military personnel who have made personal sacrifices to ensure that we remain safe and enjoy our liberties as Americans. It is only in America where we have the opportunity to rise from social obscurity to prominence if we but diligently apply ourselves and be armed with an education. This is not to say that this particular path is an easy one to follow. The promise of opportunity is intoxicating to one who dreams of a better quality of life. However, it is replete with obstacles. Needless to say, there are many who have fallen to the wayside in the expectation that it would be a simple process. The month of July contains soon be a very special holiday that should be approached with a sense of awe by young and old alike. The Fourth of July commemorates the birth of our nation. Traditionally, this day is fraught with family based activities such as picnics held in the back yards or local parks. It is also commemorated by parades sponsored by civic groups in every town and city throughout this great nation. Individuals queue up to at least three in breadth outlining the sidewalks along the parade path dressed in a smorgasbord of vibrant red white and blue hues enthusiastically waving their miniature versions of the American flag. Be sure to display your patriotism by attending your local parade and patronizing establishments that demonstrate their civic activism. Teach your children the meaning of patriotism and let the seed take root in their hearts. Let us embrace our cultural differences and root out the weed of racism. This Thursday Lina and I will join other Patchogue residents on Main Street to watch the parade wind down its path. God Bless!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 22:58:18 +0000

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