Wow… I have been told many times that God will turn adversity - TopicsExpress


Wow… I have been told many times that God will turn adversity into a blessing, but sometimes it’s hard to remember that when nasty things happen… (SPOILER: long story ahead) Tonight, coming home from my sister’s house, I was a victim of road rage… after pulling out of her driveway onto South Union heading towards town, a large car or truck came barreling down the road behind me. Very quickly they were honking their horn and flashing their lights at me. I was going a little over 30mph and there was no place to pull over as both sides of the street had parked cars and honestly the vehicle was so close to my bumper I figured I’d get clipped no matter what defensive move I made and as I approached the traffic light at Lincoln there were several cars waiting for the green. The vehicle behind me had their blinker on for a right turn, the way I would normally go, so I opted to go straight and avoid them any further. Oh no, they stayed on my bumper (made me wonder if we had somehow turned on a tracker beam between us) and they turned on their high beams full force. My car being lower was not as affected as they hoped but I did have to reach up and switch my mirror. I also slowed to 25mph and prayed the next traffic light would turn green so they would not rear end me at the intersection. The light changed but there was moving traffic that had not stopped so I slowed more and looked both ways a couple times for safety. Then I turned right onto South Avenue, heading towards Roselle. The vehicle stayed on my butt. They were so close and the headlights so bright I still could not tell you what it was nor get a license plate. I travelled as safely as I could through town and pulled over by the train station hoping they would pass. Nope. However, at Centennial they grew tired of the game and turned off, going left at the TDBank. Whew. Thank you Lord. Heading home, a bit shaken, I made every traffic light and was coming up to my right turn onto Chestnut and the center of Roselle, and I spotted a woman leaning on a lamp post in the Dunkin Donut parking lot. To me, she looked tired, or in distress. The light was red so I could look at her further in my side mirror. I turned the corner and noticed she had her head down on her arm. I turned into the Dunkin Donuts and drove over to her, parking across a couple spaces, and called out “Honey, are you okay?” She looked up and said “No.” “What’s the matter? Are you sick?” “No, I am hungry.” Well, I was in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot “You want a bagel?” She looked up and asked “Do you have money?” “No, but I do have a gift card right here. Do you want a bagel? Or something?” “Yes, a bottled Coke. Two jelly donuts. And…” I repeated back the order. “And could I have a bottled chocolate milk?” I repeated back the order again. “Yes, please.” “Okay, stay there.” I maneuvered into the drive-thru lane and placed my order, adding an extra-large hot coffee for me. Total came to $8.51 which the DD Card deducted. The clerk handed me everything in a cardboard carrier through the window. I put the coffee in the car holder and then asked for a plastic bag. The clerk said “For the bottles?” “Yes, please.” She told me to keep the donuts and hand back the bottles and carrier. Then she gave me a large plastic bag, the kind that holds a dozen box easily, with the bottles. I thanked her and gave a big smile. Then I pulled around the building across the parking lot to the same space I had been in earlier. I got out of the car and handed the bag with the order over to the lady. “Here you go. All as requested. Enjoy.” She took it and looked up at me. “What’s your name?” “Deidre.” “I am Diane. Thank you. You are very kind Deidre. Thank you.” Again with the smile. “You going to be okay? You can get home now?” “Yes, yes I can. Thank you Deidre. Thank you.” A nod and “Take care. Bye.” She had a warm coat. She looked okay to me now. I climbed back into the car and pulled away. In the rearview mirror I could see her start to walk away. I quickly got home, making all the green lights, and told Rags what happened. I am happy I could help Diane. Maybe her sugar was low and the Coke would help boost it. Maybe the milk would be her breakfast. Maybe she was going to share the donuts with a roommate or spouse. I would have driven her home if needed but she did not accept that offer. But I was able to help her no longer be “hungry”. Thank you God for keeping me from being angry, or scared, from the episode with the idiot on the road before. And for allowing me an opportunity to help someone honestly. Just had to share…
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:52:56 +0000

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