Wow !!! I just found the letter I wrote to my baby at 35 weeks - TopicsExpress


Wow !!! I just found the letter I wrote to my baby at 35 weeks pregnant ! It made me cry :( August 4th 2013 As I sit here today and write, I can feel you moving in my belly. You are 35 weeks old and only 5 weeks until your due date. I feel like you will be here any day now. I dream about you every night. I can only imagine if you will you have my nose? Or will you have your father’s eyes? It’s funny since you already have your father’s personality, you just can’t sit still. I hope that you will have his strength and passion to get you through anything and I hope that you will be patient and kind like me. You will learn a lot from both of us and we hope that you will see how much we love you. We have been so busy trying to make our house into a home for you. Your father has been working everyday in your nursery, making sure everything is right. From the crib and rocker he built to the ducks and pictures he has hung up for you. I didn’t know how much I truly loved you father until I saw how much he loved you. When your father and I met, I fell head over heels for him. To this day, I cannot imagine what my life would be like without him. I believe it was fate that brought us together. He was in town on school vacation from San Diego and my mother had him over for dinner. I would have never thought we would move from our hometown in Chicago to Southern California and again across country to this small town in South Carolina. He asked for my father’s blessing to marry me and proposed at the very end of the San Clemente pier on our third year anniversary. We married in the fall four years after we met on November 11th 2011. It took us a while to be blessed with you. Many people say that when you stop trying that’s when it happens. We couldn’t believe it when I found out. Your father and I were so happy. We would sit together at night imagining what kind of person you would be. My sweet baby boy we watched you grow inside my belly and I cried when we first saw your face. Our families are anxiously waiting your arrival. Your great grandmother will be coming down to help for the first week after your birth. She is so proud of you already as well as the whole family. My Mother can’t wait to hold you and kiss your sweet face. Grandma Pumpkin has passed down baby blankets that she has used for your father and uncle. Your grandparents are so proud that you will be their first grandchild. I can’t wait for our families to meet you. I can see everyone at Christmas wanting to hold you, taking pictures and watching you grow up. I can’t wait to relive a childhood with you. Reading you the books I was read as a child. Watching the movies I grew up with and learned from. Playing the games I played with my brothers and sister. I want to take the time to teach you all of the things I know. I want to be able to show you your true potential. Don’t get mad when I say no or won’t let you have what you want. I believe that you should work for everything you are given. I want you to appreciate the things you have. I was not given the most ideal situations to grow up in. My earliest memories were taking care of my brothers and sister. Making sure we had food to eat, homework was done and we had clean clothes to wear to school while my mom was at school and working to support us. My parents fought a lot and were divorced most of my childhood. For years we struggled. Moving numerous times and changing schools almost every year. It was hard for me growing up but, I knew that there was a plan for me I just had to wait and see. Going through all of that and seeing the things I did is what motivates me even more to give you everything I did not have. Two parents that love each other and a place to call your home.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:20:11 +0000

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