Wow, I just found this ripper critique of modern capitalism on the - TopicsExpress


Wow, I just found this ripper critique of modern capitalism on the Liberal party page. I wonder how long it stays up. Too honest for the Liberals I am guessing! Christian. Capitalist thugs are actively trying to destroy socialism and equality around the world, that is the problem Kez. Fortunately the internet and alternative, non corporate media has lifted the lid on the horrendous attrocities committed around the world, primarily from the U.S against poorer nations. The overwhelming majority of Venezuelens want socialism, as was proved in the last two democratic elections...despite big business kidnapping Hugo Chavez and engaging in organised terrorism. Yeah, capitalism is so moral. NOT! Learn the history of South America and their constant exploitation by U.S capitalist, puppet governments. You have no idea what really goes on. Not surprising though, when Western mainstream media won`t report the truth! I guarantee that if socialism became popular in Aus, the elites would use violence to stop it, as their corporate profits would be under threat. They don`t like to see workers and the community at large flourish. Same thing happened in Nazi Germany. The Marxists wanted strong unions and a better deal for the German worker, so ultimately they were sent to the gas chambers along with the Jews, Intellectuals and Savs. I have no time for fascism and that is what the Liberal party have become. The catholic church also was a strong promoter of fascism and has always been a money launderer for big business and corrupt fascist regimes. That is why Marxists despise the catholic church. Read your history! Jon Fredreickson.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:41:13 +0000

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