Wow... I just received this testimonial from the amazing Jody - TopicsExpress


Wow... I just received this testimonial from the amazing Jody England. If you have not witnessed her and her masterful work you must check her out. She is the one taking the reigns for all of us searching for the way. Her gifts are never-ending and continually expanding. For those of you searching for support on your path, she is about to launch Magic School, a 9 month energy mastery school. I did her website last year and it kind of revolutionized how the higher conscious world presented themselves. This experience was a birthing of many things for us both. But I encourage you to look at her photos previous to her shoot. Anyways... Back to the testimonial... My marketing team dragged me into the experience of a photo shoot. I was completely uninterested in having a fake experience of posing for some head shots that had no connection to who I really am. In my past experience with photographers I had never been happy with their process or results. It always felt rushed and contrived. When I met Heather, I immediately knew I could trust her. She held such space and presence for me to inhabit myself and just be me. Heather magically tuned in to the Essence of me. She was committed to capturing it in the most noninvasive and heart expanding way. I tell her she should really call herself a Shaman rather than a photographer because the photo shoot actually felt like an alchemistic invitation for my Soul to show herself to others. When I received the proofs from our day together, I literally wept. I couldn’t believe those pictures were ME. They opened a door for me to stretch into the next level of my becoming by standing as witness for beyond even what I could see of myself. She is crazy intuitive, an absolute creative genius, and one of the most honest Souls I know. I can’t recommend her highly enough. If you are ready to see yourself through the lens of otherworldly love and understanding, Heather is the one you’ve been waiting for. Love you, baby! XOXOXO J.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:34:35 +0000

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