Wow! Im so excited that you guys enjoy reading my updates and are - TopicsExpress


Wow! Im so excited that you guys enjoy reading my updates and are asking for more! It gives me hope that this website/blog thing might actually work out! Ive had two very relaxing and low-key days. Im learning (thanks to my friend Chad who has it mastered) how to slow down, do what I FEEL like doing, and truly enjoy the moment I am in. Ive never felt more at peace than when I allow myself to do this. When you let go of the feeling of guilt that our American society has associated with the above - calling it being lazy - its a truly amazing experience. I feel like Ive missed out on so much beauty and experience by always being in a rush and a hurry, and having that nagging feeling of I should be doing something. Im learning (and I do have to constantly remind myself) to slow down when Im walking anywhere. The first benefit is that I dont become such a sweaty, hot mess. I could never figure out how the locals are not dripping with sweat even though they are wearing pants!! When you watch them walking around town, they do so at a very slow pace. I get it now. The second and best benefit to walking slowly is how much more you see. Ive been on so many vacations where I power walked from destination to destination. (Even when there really was no destination.) Have to get there, have to get it all in! By doing so, I missed out on so much! By truly strolling through a new experience (or one you do every day), you get to see every detail around you. Its a new level of stop to smell the roses. If something catches your eye, stop to look at it. If you see an interesting person, stop to talk to them. If you see a clown performing for a group of locals in the mall square, stop to watch it. Where else do you have to go? (I did this on Sunday evening and it was a blast!) Being a young Wisconsin gal in Cabo the multiple times I have been here in the past, a huge part of the vacation included drinking. Which just about everything does in Wisco, right? Ive taken that out of my experience this time, and its amazing the things you notice without the Corona/Tequila haze. One example is the sunset swim on Sunday evening. The sky turned so many beautiful and breathtaking colors every few minutes. Pink, purple, yellow, blue, grey, etc. And the clouds... indescribable! I just sat there in wonder watching the show. My exciting Saturday night consisted of sitting in my new favorite spot on the marina (technically my front yard). Its a corner where you can sit and dangle your feet over the edge and watch the sun set over the yachts and fishing boats. For about an hour, I watched this setting sun and the crabs on the rocks below. I never thought I could have so much fun on a Saturday night watching crabs dance on rocks! (For some reason, my crab photo wont upload, so use your imagination.) With two days of sun, ocean, pure relaxing, and doing nothing, Im ready to start more exploring. Its much cooler today with a bit of cloud cover and lower humidity, so Im going to take myself on a nice walk off of the tourist area to try to find some great food at a local price.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:36:14 +0000

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