Wow!!! Pre-Inca!!!!! Very exciting find!!! Archeaology: Ancient - TopicsExpress


Wow!!! Pre-Inca!!!!! Very exciting find!!! Archeaology: Ancient Languages & Civilizations: TOMB of ROYAL QUEENS DISCOVERED: Reports are coming in from near Lima, PERU: Archaeologists in Peru have unearthed a royal tomb with treasures and mummified women from about 1,200 years ago. The discovery north of Lima could shed new light on the Wari empire, which ruled in the Andes before the rise of the better-known Inca civilisation. More than 60 skeletons were inside the tomb, including three Wari queens buried with gold and silver jewellery and brilliantly-painted ceramics. Many mummified bodies were found sitting upright - indicating royalty. The archaeologists say the tomb was found in El Castillo de Huarmey, about 280km (175 miles) north of Lima. "We have found for the first time in Peruvian archaeological history, an imperial tomb of the Wari culture," co-director of the project Milosz Giersz was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency. "The contents of the chamber consisted of 63 human bodies, most of them women, wrapped in funerary bundles buried in the typical seated position, a native Wari pattern."
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 10:56:19 +0000

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