Wow. ‘Strict’ dog breeding regulations in sight for Wales – - TopicsExpress


Wow. ‘Strict’ dog breeding regulations in sight for Wales – if you call one person being able to be in charge of a maximum of 20 dogs PLUS any puppies born to those dogs as ‘strict’. Here’s the statement from the Welsh Government... Stricter controls on dog breeding are in sight The Welsh Government has today moved a step closer to stamping out irresponsible dog breeding in Wales. The Minister for Natural Resources and Food, Alun Davies has laid draft regulations that would enable the Welsh Government to raise dog breeding standards across Wales and clamp down on any bad practice. The new regulations are the result of two Welsh Government consultations and will now be considered by Assembly Members. Alun Davies said: “There has been increasing public concern in recent years over the way that dogs are bred across Wales, including in licensed premises. "The Welsh Government has listened very carefully to those concerns. We have undertaken two formal consultations on this issue and engaged closely with interested parties to canvas their views. “I am pleased that we are now in a position to publish detailed guidance on the minimum standards that we expect to see on licensed premises.“ The draft Regulations stipulate that one person should look after a maximum of 20 dogs. This excludes any puppies born to those dogs. The regulations also require breeders to adopt socialisation, enhancement and enrichment programmes for dogs on licensed premises and to microchip all their animals. Alun Davies added: “These regulations reflect the Welsh Government’s commitment to improving standards of animal welfare across Wales as part of its Animal Health and Welfare Strategy. “Breeders who already operate to high standards should easily be able to accommodate these changes and, in some cases, will already be adhering to them. For those breeders who are not yet there, these regulations are aimed at ensuring they operate to standards that the Welsh Government and Welsh public expects.“ The Welsh Local Government Association and local authorities have already begun considering the implications of these new standards. Now the regulations have been formally laid, existing licensed breeders and those who may need to be licensed for the first time, will be able to consider them in more detail. The Minister for Natural Resources and Food has proposed a commencement date of 1 January 2014 for the regulations. This should allow all local authorities to begin setting up new licensing regimes. The draft regulations will be debated in the National Assembly on 2 July 2013. ........... If you think the sale of pups without mum present should be illegal, sign this petition:
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:45:12 +0000

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