Wow!!! Super Huge News! So excited I can’t hardly stand it! My - TopicsExpress


Wow!!! Super Huge News! So excited I can’t hardly stand it! My application was approved to play at a music festival! Like for real! On a stage! It’s the Deland Original Music Festival on November 2nd. There’s going to be over 175 bands/musicians there playing on over 25 stages! It’s the largest festival of it’s kind in the South East and I get 30-60 minutes of stage time!!!!! OHHHHH EMMMMM GEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! It’s not like an organized open mic, because performers have to play only original music, no cover songs…it’s kinda like Florida’s version of SXSW (South by southwest, Austin TX) . I get to pretend to be a real musician for a day! AWESOMENESS!!!! So, here’s the part where I call on my friends for love and support. For one – I’m attaching a link below to my current original song list on SoundCloud. If you feel inspired, pretty please take a listen, and leave feedback comments on the songs, i.e. – “Definitely play this one” or “this one is terrible, don’t play it”, or “open with this one!” https://soundcloud/geminiinvenus/sets/gemini-in-venus-take-one Second part is the trickier part. Because this is an actual festival, I have to bring my own gear. I do not have my own gear. So – since I now have 30 days to come up with an amp for guitar and mic, a mic, a mic stand, CDs for sale, (hey! You never know! Some people might want to bring a copy of the BigD***Man song home with them!) , not sure what else, but anyway…it’s gonna cost me a bit out of pocket to pull this off. And I’m incredibly stupidly broke. So…I set up a donate button for my PayPal account. If any of you feel inspired to throw like, 1$, 5$, 20$ (ha!) my way, I will be eternally grateful and you’ll score some excellent good Karma. Local donations, I’ll be happy to repay with kid-watching, lawn mowing, palm trimming, house cleaning. I’m serious. Really. https://facebook/temalovesyoubackforever Third and final, if any of you are artistically inclined, and would like to help me out with some cover art for my CD, that would be super awesome! I can’t pay you, but can def give you credit on the album cover…and again, you’d be the lucky recipient of most excellent good karma. So, wish me luck! Listen and give feedback if you have the time, and donate a few bucks if you’ve got the resources! I love you all – and to those of you have inspired the songs I’ve written…thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:42:54 +0000

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