Wow! Thank you for the share Candi Potter!!! Didnt care for all - TopicsExpress


Wow! Thank you for the share Candi Potter!!! Didnt care for all the F bombs, but man how true it is! Its crazy to me to think how far we have fallen in this country, and the only way I know how to get greatness back? Is by standing up & saying something, dieing for it if need be! I can only hope as the future of this country for our & our childrens sake we start hitting our government where it hurts the most! By saying your best isnt good enough, your coruption & greed has got to go! People have to start exceeding there God given rights given to you! Speak out, stand up, things have to change for the better of the PEOPLE! I remember graduating in 90 thinking we were a unique class of graduates, trail blazers, trend setters, gifted, talented, creative, highly motivated unique graduating class! I knew some of since I was in Kindergarten or when we all meet park school. We all were so close so bad & good all into one! When I went into the Army I had no idea what I truly had gotten myself into that is forsure! The thing was that even though you all werent with me physically I still took each & every one of you through that journey! I was so proud to be in the Army, representing you, my family, friends, my paper route customers, the army & myself! It didnt take me long to see the world for what it was & after some time what our country truly represents! It doesnt care abt the people, our Govt cares only to stay in power to keep the peasants at bay! Whisper sweet words of nothings in our ears, make promises it never intends to uphold! I guess right now our Govt would consider me a domestic terrorist for if the were on fire ib wouldnt pee on them to put it out. Where are our lobbyists at, we have trillions in debt, but politicians take millions in blood money from big companies to keep things the way they are! If I could do away with one thing it be that no lobbyist for anyone but for the people! Id also say if thwy cant sit up & do what is right for the America people then when do we draw the line in the sand? When do stand up fight back! How about we pass a law that states the American people only get to vote on our politicians pay raises or what kind of Healthcare they can have or when they can retire from being a politician and making bank of the backs of the people that make this country for what it use to be or should be or could be again! It is our civic duty to make it right again. I say to you all my olé classmates we were unique & still are, we were the start of modern day generations, but the last of the old school generations!!! Lastly I will say this sorry about the rant was just suppose to be a quick note & share, but it got me fired up and here we are! Im still to this day always sticking up for the little man or person who cant or doesnt know to do it! I still believe we are what I said before & we are young enough we can stop this crap from spiraling out of control, but each day month & year that goes by it gets worse! This year 2015 while we can still put up a fight start too! Lets start taking it back to the politicians, they need to be held accountable just like anyone else. No special treatment or laws or clauses cause of position. What does a post on give them? Nothing they were theyre pants the same as we do, but live in a completely different world. If everyone stood up said no I aint going to work for however long it took. Ya it be tough on us might even lose the car the house, but how much would the mega million dollars companys feel it our Govt feel it? If thats all Id lose then it be a no brained but people arent willing to do that and for that the Govt always banks & wins on!!!! Hope to see you in the foxholes for its gonna take a fight to make it right & get back what is right! Ty for all the people that actually read all I took the time to say! Night my brothers & sisters!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:13:41 +0000

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