Wow... The response last night has been incredible... 400+ new - TopicsExpress


Wow... The response last night has been incredible... 400+ new likes to the page, thank you so much to everyone who shared and invited others, it means a lot. Hello to anyone thats new to our page. I suppose we should explain what we are doing here. Ellsa is our 7 month old daughter, she was a normal pregnancy, perfect baby and as parents we couldnt have been happier... then our world fell apart. When Ellsa was 7 weeks old she began to take grand-mal seizures. It was the 13th June 2014 and we took her the Royal Victoria Belfast, Childrens Hospital. We spent almost 12 weeks there, with no answers or reasons for Ellsas epilepsy... she would seize up to 20 times a day, lasting on occasions 15 minutes a time. We were distraught, angry and confused as to why this was happening, and the doctors are equally as confused. Ellsa is on a new ever changing drug cocktail to try and control the seizures, so far she has been refractory to all. As parents you never imagine how bad it can be to go through the experience of having a sick child, and you only realise it when its actually happening. We are stressed and upset to what damage this epilepsy is having on our daughter and we need answers. We have decided to take Ellsa for the best treatment, and give her what we believe to be the best chance... Unfortunately that chance lies in America, more precisely Boston. The other issue is the treatment and cost will run to around £150,000. We believe it may be a surgical outcome that helps Ellsa, but we wont have that confirmed until we get her looked at. In Belfast all results and images done on Ellsa have come back fine, there is no apparent reason for her illness, we believe in America, with their specialised equipment that is optimized for neurology, and the more specialised consultants to hand, we and Ellsa may get some answers. Another reason for needing to do this is because we have been advised that the NHS, and hospitals on mainland Britain wont risk more images etc on Ellsa until she is 2/2 and a half years old... America will do it for her now, or as soon as we have the funds available. We are not asking for a lot from each person, we understand that everyone has their own problems and we are one of many trying to raise funds, but if you can spare a little, to give Ellsa a chance, we would be eternally grateful. We arent a charity, we have no reqistered charity number, we are parents trying to save as much of our daughter as possible... To donate go to, you can either transfer straight into her account, use PayPal or use Stripe. Any amount helps and keeps us moving forward... If anyone has any further questions, Im sure Ive missed something here please PM me and I will eventually get round to replying. Thank you... #hope4ellsa
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:18:09 +0000

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