Wow! What a fantastic couple of weeks. First, a shout out to our - TopicsExpress


Wow! What a fantastic couple of weeks. First, a shout out to our Lady Eagles. What a classy group of athletes. No one else could have created the spirit and support you young women inspired this season. You are more than District Champs. You are, and will always be, a big part of AE history. FORT.I. in cooperation with the Yellow Ribbon Coalition is bringing you book marks to commemorate Reading Month. Each of you will receive a hand made book mark created for you by a woman from the coalition who lost a loved one to suicide. She is eager to get the word out that there are people who care about each and every one of you, and so she lovingly crafted over 4,000 (yup, you read that right, FOUR THOUSAND) of these unique gifts for every student in Bay-Arenac county schools on board with Yellow Ribbon. Book marks will be distributed this Monday, March 10th during 4th hour. Make sure you accept it and use it in the spirit in which it was given. And treat yourself to a good book while youre at it. Next Friday, March 13th, we will be hosting our first annual Band Aids Against Bullying event. Details will be forthcoming, but suffice it to say, Fridays lunch will be a memorable one. Have a safe and happy weekend. And remember the second of the 5 challenges we committed to in September: Look for the good in others. We challenge each one of you to jump start a stalled chain reaction and reach out to someone this weekend with a kind word or offer of help or assistance. It doesnt have to be big, a big smile and a hearty hello, holding the door for someone coming up behind you, a sincere thank you to the store clerk, whatever it is, know that youre making a difference in someones day.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 14:04:51 +0000

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