Wow... What a nice message. This is the first thing that I read - TopicsExpress


Wow... What a nice message. This is the first thing that I read this morning. What a great way to start your day.. Grab a couple cups of coffee because it might take you a minute. It is nice to know that people care.. :) Hahahha I cant believe it. Charles Ive been watching your videos for over 2 years now, am subsribed to your channel and all, and now I go onto facebook and see someone I know tagged with your name above it. Its really funny to see that you know someone I know. Vladimir D******* is a friend of my cousin. I would always hang out with my cousin whenever I went on vacation to Serbia, so his friends would always be there. This is crazy for me, but it probably happens to you all the time And while I am here, I never got around to do it out of the blue, but while I am writing you, I just want to let you know that you are a great guy and an incredbly intelligent human person. Your videos about things you dont like and the way you handle sensitive topics which divide peoples opinions is incredible, really. When I see that a video is about something like that, or that you get into that kind of territory, i always cringe a bit because I am afraid of what is going to happen, but then you master it beautifully, like a an extreme sports person who does 10 flips and turns and then manages to land it without falling on his face. You also know how to diffuse possible anger of idiots by being humble and putting yourself down a bit (I am a dumb guy, what do I know, but it seems to me that maybe...), I like that a lot because it says a lot about you as a human, you arent stubborn about a point, but instead are just trying to make people see a different, human perspective to any worldly question. You do that yourself too, as Ive seen in the criitcal questions video where you said something like well some people say they hate america, but considering weve attacked them, I would probably also not like it very much if someone attacked my country, you have understanding and you help stupid serbs get some understanding and perspective about different topics too, without trying to change their mind. You just open the door so they can see the problem from another perspective, you are not trying to push them through any doors. I am very thankful for all that you do for the Serbian people, maybe not the whole nation because that would be much to carry for a single man, but you move more than anyone else in Serbia, by far. All the kids who you helped with their sportsteams, that would never have been possible. You travel all around the country and put up videos to show every corner, every field and every village. All the confusions you clear out for people who might be interested in visiting Serbia or learning something more about it, all of that isnt happening anywhere but on your youtube channel. Now, I know that it hasnt changed the perceptions of the general population, because your videos arent watched by millions every time, but at least they exist, and anyone who is at the point that he or she is looking for info about Serbia will come upon them and have some things cleared up for him/her. I dont subsribe to the the whole world hates us thing as much as the Serbs in Serbia, and I dont think theres much pre-perception about Serbia or Serbs in the West as some Serbs seem to think, because its not the 90s any more and people in the West have already long forgotten about that and most probably dont have any perception about it except for Ive never heard of that, Siberia, is that in Russia, Eastern Europe, they are probably poor and dangerous - you know, the general things not specific to Serbs, but nontheless, for people who are a blank canvas when it comes to the Serbian nation, your videos provide a picture of regular human beings who arent bad people, who are nice and hospitable, and who just live regular lives in a poorer European country, but a European type of country nontheless, where its safe for people, where there isnt universal hatred for other religions or nations and attacks on members of those religions and nations (like media and NGOs try to portray), where people generally dont starve, die of diseases, or live in crushing poverty without water, proper housing or food, and I think that is more than enough and better than an open question where probable negative stereotypes and concerns would quickly fill the void, quicker than the assumption of positive, regular and normal people. The Serbian people and nation arent some magical fantasyland and better than other humans, but they arent any worse than us in the Western countries either. They certainly arent the way we (I am saying we because despite being of Serbian ethnicity, being born and raised in the west, the propaganda I saw on tv growing up, not just about Serbia but also about the rest of eastern europe, post-socialist countries, Russia, etc, seeped into my brain regardless, the brain is like a sponge in that way, that even when you know it isnt true, and you are there every year and know its not like they paint it to be, it still sucks it all in, and the emotional feeling underneath your skin happens nontheless, its incredibly powerful how easy propaganda works even to a concious mind, I cant imagine how strong it works on an unconcious and blank mind, which it can paint anything on, and the picture it paints will be sucked into the canvas and the shapes and forms will always be there even if you wash it..okay now the intersection was so long, Ill just start the sentence anew because by now Ive forgotten where I was...)... They certainly arent the way we have been trained to think about them. Growing up, as a child, the propaganda has made me feel ashamed to be Serbian, I have never even felt okay with it, let alone proud, and Ive always felt a little guilty for other peoples crimes and misdeeds and things that I have nothing to do with, so I can only imagine how that type of propaganda can shape a persons mind who has no connection or knowledge about that, it can easily make someone hate a nation of people that one knows nothing about and that havent done anything to anyone, but just live their daily lifes. I also like that youre not some cheerleader who ignores the bad or realistic, but that you see and talk about all of that openly, without leaning heavily on anything negative, but instead turn it around to get to a positive point about hope, future, improvement and the kids that could all make it better across. I am sorry about this long message, but while I am typing, its hard to stop. I also saw your answering questions videos, and thought it was great, I didnt even know until then that you get questions and answer them to help people. The Serbian government or tourism organization should pay you some volunteering fee or something for your work, that you do so proudly and so selflessly. I saw the pic of the canadian girl that came to visit after you answered her questions, and I am amazed, I cant even think of how much positive your work has brought to many people who now have new friends or connections that never would have visited otherwise. And altough you are often humble about it, you have no fcking reason to be ashamed (not that I say you are!!! I know you arent) to be from America, you are a true American and represent everything that makes the good people of America great, and have every reason to be proud of yourself and where you are from. You grew up in the heart of America, on beautiful land and with a good standard of life that your parents and grandparents worked hard to achieve, which is nothing to feel bad about, your parents raised you well, as a good person, and everyone can be proud to be from the land where you are from, and to feel proud of their great nation, even though sometimes it does bad things, just as any empire does because that is the nature of the beast, its not your fault and it certainly isnt the choice of the common people, like it isnt anywhere. The American people are good people, like any other humans on earth, and you are a great ambassador and representative of your people whereever you go (not that you have to be or that its your job, just saying that you achieve that without even trying ), and dont only help foreigners see Serbians better, you also help Serbians see foreigners and Americans as the normal and good people that they are, which is I think often forgotten for most people when they watch your videos, it goes both ways. Foreigners often only see the actions of governments and politicians, and the propaganda from the media, and rarely the regular people who are people just like them. I havent been to Serbia since 08, when I went for a few days with a friend because my cousin wasnt there any more as he moved to Canada between the summer of 07 and 08 (frikkin long ago, to me it feels like yesterday), and I didnt have anybody I like to hang out with left to go to, but if I happen to go again I would be honored to meet you and buy you a beer. Oh and btw, I am (well, my family is) from Uzice, which I see you visited recently. I hope you liked it and the Komplet Lepinja tasted as good to you as it did to me. How did you meet Vladimir, were you staying at the Eko Hostel? I am glad those guys opened that, because its shitty that a town doesnt even have a proper hotel for guests to stay in, without that hostel there wouldnt be anywhere to stay for travellers. Anyway, sorry for rambling on, I hope I havent wasted too much of your time, thank you for providing me with a window to a country that I havent been to in a while and showing me all the nice things that I cant get here I wish you all the best, good luck in life, stay healthy and successful, keep living the good life and enjoying your stay on earth, goodbye my friend
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 06:16:52 +0000

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