Wow.....While the planet is virtually on the brink of World War 3, - TopicsExpress


Wow.....While the planet is virtually on the brink of World War 3, a whole Boeing 777 has vanished into thin air, International war in Syria, major unrest in Ukraine,Venezuala, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, Israel just to name a few, THIS is what pops up as one of the top trending breaking news stories? Johnny Cashs great niece has died!?! Are we so obsessed with celebrity BS news that anything remotely related to anyone remotely involved with entertainment is super important? I mean next week if North Korea detonates a nuke or president Obama is assassinated will the breaking news be that Justin Beibers cousins neighbors, hairdresser has the stomach flu?? This is why recent polls have found that more than half of Americans dont know the name of their own Vice President, Governor or Senator while over 75% know the names and faces of at least 3 members of the Beatles a band from the 1960s!! I can almost feel myself getting dumber by the second....but I have a traumatic brain injury so at least I have an excuse ha ha! ps: Im just as big of a Johnny Cash fan as the next person, but cmon even he has been dead for a decade himself!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 03:01:27 +0000

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