Wow busy whirlwind morning and onto a busy whirlwind night.. I - TopicsExpress


Wow busy whirlwind morning and onto a busy whirlwind night.. I get a few minutes to sit and relax.. As I was thinking in my car over the death a young man I know, (or more so knew in the past) I became thankful for something.. I realized that through heartbreak and tragedy God has softened my heart. When bad things happen to people you can go one of two ways.. You can go the way of creating a better life or you can go the way of continually grueling over the wrongs that may have happened in ones life. To be honest I dont know what went wrong for this young man but often it seemed that the hurt just seemed to win out a lot.. Dont get me wrong because in my humanness I often make mistakes, say dumb things, and even have a pity party or two when life gets hard.. ,but it dawned on me that I am always looking up and because of this I have a softer heart. I can learn from mistakes quicker and I dwell less. Some things hurt more than others, but in this progression of life I get better. Just recently I was thinking over, I have been acquainted with grief therefore I could probably relate to a lot of people in a lot of different life circumstances.. Here are but a few: I grew up poor, I encountered being different when I was growing up as I am Hispanic (I encountered prejudice), I grew up not really knowing my biological father ( I met him when I was 10) and today there is no relationship, I was around an abusive step parent, I was the only child without the same parents (made me feel different and out of place), and even though I had a perfectly normal pregnancy I have a special needs child because everything just seemed to go wrong at the hospital.. I am acquainted with grief.. I understand a lot of heartache, but with the Grace of God He has helped to overcome and be a better me. This doesnt happen to everyone who often encounter the same things. Today I am thankful and grateful for that second chance. I am thankful for one day at a time. I am thankful for His mercies that are new every morning. I am thankful He pulled me out of the pit of life circumstances and made me a better me. Who and or what else offers a chance of change and or a do over? Only God offers this and Jesus fulfills it. I noted to someone the other day.. sometimes we have to die to ourselves so others may live.. in this case it is a good death because many will get the chance to skip the grief part or even overcome the grief part because there is this Greater Hope in a living God and we are the testimonies of it. Just today I posted on someones Facebook post to an almost horrified response to what I said. Sometimes I am quite frank and I am a realist, but I deleted it after I realized that it could have been offensive to others.. I got a chance to make it right. I think this is the most freeing feeling ever! That is a very profound thing in this incredibly broken world...
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:09:15 +0000

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