Wow, didnt realize i made so many people upset. I would like to - TopicsExpress


Wow, didnt realize i made so many people upset. I would like to apologize if i have offended anyone, that was not my intention.Since my words have been twisted into knots let me elaborate on the reason behind my original post. First off lets start off with the original post and the Bible quote i posted Matthew 6:1 1 Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. The ice bucket challenge is conflicting to any Christian in this regard. Yes it does raise awareness of the disease, but at the same time you are announcing to the world that you made a charitable donation. Then i looked at the original challenge, make a donation or dump a bucket of ice water on yourself. And then i started seeing people posting videos saying they accepted the challenge and announcing their donation amount. I see celebrities and people waving money in front of a camera. It gives the impression that each donor was trying to out do the next. Even witnessed people being pressured into it. This takes me back to Matthew 6:2 2 So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men.I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. So basically Christ is saying give, be charitable, help others. But dont do it so everyone can see what youre doing. Dont do it for recognition or accolades, or to be like or accepted, or because its the trendy thing going on at the moment. Do it because its the right thing to do, and do it with humility. That was the point i was trying to make. Anything that came after that was in retaliation to the backlash i received. I wasnt expecting so much hostility and i reacted inappropriately. So for that i do apologize. I was not expecting be antagonized for quoting a biblical verse. The sad part was that all the backlash came from Christians themselves. I can understand me offending an atheist or someone from another religion. But my own brothers and sisters in Christ were the ones who judged me most harshly.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 03:34:27 +0000

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