Wow dry ran with no lube. we got lied to. WOD is not what they - TopicsExpress


Wow dry ran with no lube. we got lied to. WOD is not what they said it was gonna be. we go squashed so bad. most characters that were in the top 5 in raid dps are now at the bottom feeders. shammys, shadow priests, rogues. try and get silver ! its impossible. they forced our hands to have to do this just to get into heros. to get paid 3 gold a boss ! most raids have 3 bosses thats 9 gold. to wipe cause you have a bad tank and spend a average of 69 gold to 136 gold for repairs one wipe. to get on wow just want to have fun but you got chores to do first. getting around on the world is a nightmare. to have to walk around mountains almost having to to go into a different continent to get to where you are going. the wow AH is a worse nightmare. the prices are insane. anything gear that 630 could cost you 40 to 45.000 gold maybe even more. where can you farm that much gold when spending out on repairs. drops dont give you much. quest items in pandaria paid you like 26 to 36 gold for turn in. new patch you make a average 11 gold for turn in. if your lucky you will find 30 gold for turn in. raids ! what is their concept of raids ? 2 raid bosses with no real pattern just burn down their health. to only giving you 2 raids to choose from. the raids in pandaria were harder if you didnt do the objective you wiped on that boss. heres the kicker. we paid 60 dollars for wow to do this to us. some more we have 2 accounts with wow so that was 120 . we keep paying wow for this dry run !!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:35:28 +0000

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