Wow! god is dead and you know what? The religious killed her (I - TopicsExpress


Wow! god is dead and you know what? The religious killed her (I once thought of the supreme being as a female, womens nature is to create, mans is destruction) with films like this. As a critical thinker I like to look at both sides of the story with an open mind, so I decided to watch Gods Not Dead. As a former Catholic, then Christian, then Buddhist, then Taoist now atheist I have come to the conclusion that logic, reason, rationalism, and critical thinking is the path to understanding. I seek to maximize truths while minimizing the untruths in this thing we call life. That being said on to the film... All I seen in the film was the obvious stereotypical portrayal of atheist and atheism. The view of atheist that your pastor warned you of thus confirming more so your belief all atheist are selfish, angry, cruel, amoral, mean, heartless people who think theyre smarter than you, and pissed off at god that is so far from the truth. The film was such a biased and unfair view of atheism I would equate it to all priest are pedophiles and all Christians hate fags. Not too fair is that? Atheist dont go around making films like what I just said above now do they? No respectable atheist professor would have his entire class denounce their beliefs to continue with their class would they? They would get fired. Apparently you can pray and get your car started but if you pray for starving kids in Africa to get food god starves them but starts your car because he temporarily allows evil here on earth. And the ending getting the atheist to confess to god on his last breath horrible just out right horrible, lemme guess that was his punishment for challenging some college freshman on her existence? Im sure many of you think Im being the biased one, no, I just see through the unfair portrayal of the position I take now and for the last decade of my life.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 21:49:31 +0000

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