Wow, i can not believe its been 2 year since i stood in front of a - TopicsExpress


Wow, i can not believe its been 2 year since i stood in front of a mirror and decided at 118kgs that enough was enough. I can still remember that day so clearly. I was so sad and sat down and cried and cried then ate 2 packets of chips, family size bag of M&Ms 1L Pepsi max and a pizza and cried again. I was huge, stretch makes, cellulite and just overall uncomfortable in my own skin, and thats such a horrible place to be. I knew my 3-5L of Pepsi max a day and crap food diet (at the worst) wasnt helping and i had the worst emotional binge eating relationship with food. I knew that something needed to change or i would end up with diabetes and other weight related diseases. I had 4 children who needed a mum. Not just a someone who was physically present, but emotionally present for them, and i wasnt at that time. I avoided playing with them, swimming and so much more because of my weight and self-esteem. I was embarrassed , which is so sad, because they missed out and so did i. So I started on a HFLC program and shed Rapidly 40kgs in a year (29yrs) only to put over 15kgs + back on within 6 weeks when i stopped eating in this way. I personally couldnt do the fasting days as they made my binging worse and the huge amounts of fat defiantly make me personally so much sicker than i had been and my skin was bad all the time and it was way to expensive for me to eat in that way as i was cooking different meals for me at times to what i would cook my family. We couldnt afford organic I decided to stop that eating plan, have a break and try and workout a life style solution. It was hard as i had this page and had people messaging me how amazing i was yet i was slowly going backwards and hiding away, eating my emotions in secret. Then i realised i need to try to get a balance in my food and exercise. I realised only i could change my habits . I need to look at a lifestyle change instead of a quick fix (which all the diets i had done were to me) and start laying a good foundation for the rest of my life and change my terrible eating habits and relationship with food. I think that the way i eat now has taught me so much. I eat 6 meals a day and its all good healthy clean food. I am learning to love myself, flaws and all. I am so excited for 2015. I love my job. I love hearing how my posts have helped you. Its so amazing to think that my journey is touching some of you and helping you along on yours. My Goal for 2015 1. Compete in a body sculpting comp 2. Drink more water on a daily basis 3. Study personal training 4. Cut Pepsi max out (its starting to slowly creep back in) 5. Launch Plus size fitness range 6. Be happy 7. Have weekends with limited social media 8. Cut negative people out in order for me to get ahead & be happy 9. Spend more time with my hubby, family & friends 10. Hug and kids my kids more and try and not stress so much!! Would love to hear what you think about my goals..what are yours? x
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 13:21:01 +0000

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