last night by 1 am...longest but wildest 12 hours of our - TopicsExpress

   last night by 1 am...longest but wildest 12 hours of our lives!! AMAZING volunteers!! 30+ volunteers helping out sort, package bags, make sandwhiches, pack frog boxes, pack the frogbox truck, pick up deliver etc etc etc. They are ALL the heros here! To name a few: Spencer Charest and his friend Sharan, Pat Bentley, Renee and her family, Carol, Carla Forth and her children (Natalie and Michael), Nhung, Nathan, Taylor, Azam and his wife and 2 boys, Dave and his wife Jen and mother in law Debra, Sal with his brother and daughters, and so many others at this point I cannot even recall right now!! The sea of Black bags that overtook one boardroom, the sandwhich making station, the other two boardrooms that housed food, drinks, chocolates and candies, mittens, socks, toiletries, blankets and stuffies...It is just so WOW!!! And then tirelessly AHA Media (April and Don) following us around...recording it all with big smiles! IT WAS BUZZING WITH SMILES AND ANTICIPATION!!! Shelters were visited and 200 bags given out, 300 bags out on the DTES...and you know what? We didnt have enough! WE DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH!!! Comments were heard such as: Wow this bag is so heavy!! You guys really know how to make a care package! I am so glad to see you! I want the one with Koala Bear!! (that was a guy!) Theres a blanket in here?? Oh my god I could cry! I can have hot cereal in the morning with this? We had extra sandwhiches after finishing the DTES so we went back to Charest around 11:30 pm and picked them up (2 boxes worth!) and headed back down to Hastings and Carrall to hand them out. When offering 2 of them to a very small thin lady she said I couldnt possibly accept 2 of them until I gently persuaded her to take them!! Its the smile and life that you see in their eyes that takes my breath away when you notice them. One woman in Surrey where we were on 135A Street, received her bag and then ran away crying...I felt compelled to go and find her. I asked another woman on the street if it would be okay to speak with her or would I be overstepping my boundaries. She went and spoke to her and I was beckoned over. I knelt down and asked her if she was okay and she said to me, I feel dirty and outcast but when you and your little boy gave me the bag I was so overwhelmed with love I could not handle it. You are not a big organization just a mom and child but you came here for me like family...I have never felt so loved. BIG lump in my throat...The hugs, the tears, and MORE hugs... Global News did come by and we were interviewed and Josh was amazing in his speaking abilities. I will see if I can get a digital clip and post it. It will take some time before the video is ready... but please know that every penny you invested in this project was well worth it!! Merry Christmas all my angels who gave donations and volunteered countless hours in making this happen! Frogbox!! What can I say except you saved us countless hours by giving us your TRUCK!!! And an especially big thank you to Tony, Spencer, Pat and Charest Reporting for letting us completely TAKE OVER their space!! My tiny place would never have been able to accommodate the boxes or people!! Kindest wishes and hugs to you all today!! Joshua and Traci!! The Joshua Tree Project
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:18:23 +0000

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