Wow, it seems we have settled into becoming a nation of Everything - TopicsExpress


Wow, it seems we have settled into becoming a nation of Everything is Free; every elected official or campaigning candidate wants to offer someone or some group a handout with the promise that it is free. Well, nothing is free but the air we breathe, and even it is contaminated. Someone pays for everything that a human being creates, makes, or promises. Government does not produce revenues; it extracts that which the private sector produces. If you work and pay taxes you pay for all the free promises. Anything that comes at no expense to the giver and/or user is theft: Thou shalt not steal. As a nation we steal from ourselves when we create a society of Everything is Free mentality. Those who seek something for nothing are thieves and slothful. God makes salvation free for sinners, but He billed the cost, expense and sacrifice to His own account. God is not government; God is able to produce. Government is not God; government can only consume (Trenton Battle). Our political leaders promise what they dont have, and commit what little we do have in order to maintain their façade of being the great philanthropists. We have become a parasite and scavenger nation; we would rather consume our own than to change our ways. The irreversible law of sowing and reaping has not changed or vanished; if we practice it is good faith it will produce the fruit of recovery. We must first sow good seed into our depraved values system by restoring accountability in every aspect of our lives. It is not someone else fault that I was caught lying and cheating and deceiving; it is my lack of moral and ethical fiber that is at the root of my corruption. On our downward slide into the abyss of total corruption we ignore or disregard our laws to make exceptions to those we deem are helpful to an agenda of corruption. We would rather give our hard earned resources to law breakers rather than make them available to those who abide within the law while having a need. Our deceitful leadership knows that what is given to the ones outside of the law will gender no resistance to their corruption. We were not founded to be a people controlled and manipulated by government, but instead a government to be controlled by the people. Again, government is not God; God has love and justice. Government should look to God. It is not a violation of separation of Church and State; God is not Church; God is Justice, Truth, Governance, Wisdom, and Reason, all of which are lacking in our nation today. Our nation needs an awakening that must begin with the Body of Christ and let it propagate up to our system of government on every level. The corruption has permeated from the Office of the President to the lowest level of Dog Catcher. We all bear a portion of the guilt and blame. God help us!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 07:09:37 +0000

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