Wow its been quite an adventure.112 days since that Thursday April - TopicsExpress


Wow its been quite an adventure.112 days since that Thursday April 24th evening that I stumbled into the IMC ER to find I had a brain tumor that required Brain surgery and then Gamma knife radiation to address just my brain tumor. Only to follow that up with many post op blood clots develop in my leg and lungs. Start blood thinner shots twice every day on my abdomen to thin the clots out wile I started a pretty heavy chemotherapy series to address the tumor in my lungs and cancer in my adrenal glands. Now here we are 112 days later awaiting new scans on the 18th and results on the 21st of all my treatments. Do you think Im worried about the results? Absolutely not! Want to know why? Because for 112 days I and my family have been blessed with the out pouring and support and prayers of Christlike love from people everywhere and miracles have been going on inside my body to help me battle for my life. I have been blessed with strength so I could walk, jog and exercise to help counter the affects chemo can have on the body. If anyone who knew me before this knew the site of a syringe needle made me faint. Now its a daily routine I embrace to avoid blood clots and getting blood drawn is like not a big deal anymore. just pick an arm and poke. Lol. I do hate Chemo but hey its saving my life so I learn to live with it right? Seriously though thank you everyone I have grown from this experience and will be a better person for having experienced it. Love ya all and I will beat this and find away to have a good quality of life and enjoy my family, friends and time with my incredible wife who is my best friend and Love of my life. God Bless
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:33:40 +0000

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