Wow .. rhetoric is a powerful weapon. You only know something is - TopicsExpress


Wow .. rhetoric is a powerful weapon. You only know something is true if it came from God. Otherwise, it is tainted, impure, and probably corrupt. Basically, this man is saying, Do what we want, or else. He makes not so subtle threats to the US. When he doesnt want to answer a question he says I dont know or Thats not my job. To me, the history and actions of the Palestinians gives this message: We want to live HERE (lines drawn), and we want to bomb you, threaten you, and even move further into your territory, but we want to do it without you defending yourself in any way and giving us whatever we want without a fight. AND we want the rest of the world to be on our side, no matter how unfair or ridiculous our actions are. They did not learn those kindergarten lessons of sharing and getting along with your neighbors. Darkness is a really hard place to live in, and when your religion and your religious and political leaders speak one way but act another, it must be really confusing. Quote from article to show what I mean: The interview was conducted on Friday, just hours after Meshaal attended prayers at a local mosque where he was surrounded by well-wishers. When asked what he prayed for, peace or revenge, he replied: For sure, when we enter the mosque in our daily prayers, we always start with peace. And when we end the prayer, we say salaam alaikum ... We are the people of peace, and our religion is the religion of peace. And what we want is peace. We are victims of aggression and occupation by Israel, and we hope when this conflict ends, what people will see from us is kindness and peace. This, coming from a leader who uses human shields, embedding artillery in schools and hospitals so they can shout how barbarian the Israelis are when they retaliate by taking out those areas in their own defense. The thought that they are looking for peace is ridiculous. Im ashamed that our government cant see through this or doesnt have the courage to stand against it. (Rant over.)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:40:45 +0000

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