im at disney today for the first day of halloween - TopicsExpress

   im at disney today for the first day of halloween festivities trying to use my beloved annual pass one last time before i leave for my guest spot and im waiting in line when someone asks me to take a picture...i was much obliged to do so and next thing i realize a group of what looks to be 20 people jump in front of my friends and i...during this time i realize i have a woman in a wheelchair behind me who obviously cannot walk so me being me i ask the disney cast member if he could please allow her to move to the front of the line as she cant make her way to the front . I then immediately get barraged/yelled at by some nasty loud woman saying "who cares everyone will get in eventually" but not in those nice of words(she was obviously the main counterpart of the 20 people who jumped the line)at the same time she sticks her gnarly hand in my face!!!???×.i turn around and tell her to mind her own business and that my concern is for a woman who cant walk and she screams at me that some of the people in the group were autistic(which i do charitable work for and am affected by) now my question is who would dare yell that and throw it in my face and dare try to compare who is less fortunate???? Really ??then she says "oh noone cares who you are anyway"...really ???wtf does that have to do with the situation!!!?? She rudely butted into my convo/concern for a woman who cannot walk and i felt shouldve been shown a bot more respect then that. She tried to downplay thos woman being stuck at the back of the line because she was slimy enough to but in line then mouth off like an idiot ..She then proceeded to say some other nasty things which i really dont care to mention but really? You are supposed to be a role model for autistic children so you teach them to butt in line and say nasty shit in front of them ??? Some people truly have a black heart and are mean spirited...i wont , however, let that effect my caring nature or positivity...sometimes ya just need to vent...i guess the moral of the story is when u catch someone doing something shitty and call them on it they will turn into a bigger asshole in retaliation from their embarassment. I just wanted to have fun and also help someone out. Anyways, sorry for the long rant and always speak up when something isnt right...i know i will;)
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 10:17:49 +0000

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