im watching a movie on the tablet, and on the tv the - TopicsExpress

   im watching a movie on the tablet, and on the tv the disney channel was on i got done watching the movie i put the tablet away & start watching the tv as i watch disney im thinking what is this so i djt knw cant explain the timing ima just get to the point i flipp through the channels and then i land on this channel 64 n this guy pops up preaching the word and he said somthing that caught my attention not going to say what but after what he said he kept saying more and im like wait hold in my head i said change the channel but then i said God its you!!! ( but then im like) seriously him out all the people him!! you know how i feel about him you know how skeptical i am about this guy and i dnt like his smile its creepy malevolent looking. & the guy keeps talking next thing you know im listening to evrything... not going to say more but for those who really know me know my background and some of you might just give some of your time to listen to this you will know what im talking about this guy hit alot of subjects in mere minutes. So i had to share this it may impact some of you it may not but my so called conciouse says to do it i dont knw why but any ways here you go you choose to keep scrolling or watch it! And wierd thing look at the time i put this this just happend like 15 min ago so looked it up found it n posted it...
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:07:54 +0000

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