Wow, the conclusion of the fundraising campaign is reverberating - TopicsExpress


Wow, the conclusion of the fundraising campaign is reverberating in my world today. Its really sinking in that it was successfully concluded. So thankful to everyone who contributed directly with money and, also directly, with emotional support. To Patrick Kitano who put together and managed the Twitter campaign. To Chakra Khan for love and support through the whole adventure. To my son Garth Elson and his girlfriend Haley Dahl for driving the boxes to Oregon for the Beloved Festival. To Paul Caridad Sanchez for his Visual News article that tipped this whole thing off several months ago To IX-Chel Sandivel and Dawn Nicole Hoang for contributing their images during the campaign. Thanks to my support staff, it really couldnt have been done without you. What a roller coaster that was. Never having done a crowdfunder before the questions loomed so large; will anyone contribute? How much should I ask for? What if it fails? How can we promote it effectively? And then when it starts and some money comes in initially there is elation! Followed by depression and embarrassment when nothing happens for a few days. Then I realize that I have to start promoting in a big way or nothing will happen and I began to feel like a shill. It was uncomfortable but if its not promoted there are a thousand other things to absorb peoples time and interest. And then the last few days arrived and at about 75% of the goal everything was just fine. If we got more, great. If not, so much love and support had been poured into the campaign, we could have ended there and it would have been fine. For 3 days the Rolling Stones lyric, You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometime, youll find, you get what you need kept running through my head. For we had what we needed to do the tour IF everything worked flawlessly. And then on the final day big things happened, a fourth copy of Infinity Box No. 6 was purchased and many smaller contributions came in quickly. Id been told about this happening at the end of campaigns and here it was, the end rush that took us over the goal. The higher the total the easier it seemed to become for people to contribute. Status: The early bird reproductions of Infinity Box No. 6 will be ready by tomorrow! The medallions are in and the lanyards are on the way. These will go out in September. The t-shirt and Infinity Scarves are designed and will be printed in the next couple of weeks. The photos of Ix-chel will be printed and shipped in September. The Paintings are ready for shipment in September. Looking forward to taking photos of contributors at Burning Man this year and we leave tomorrow! With love and gratitude, Matt
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:06:43 +0000

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