Wow, this is insane. Seek to be Christs light, embody yourself - TopicsExpress


Wow, this is insane. Seek to be Christs light, embody yourself with the love he spoke and lived. This ascended master was here to SHOW us how. shake yourself awake already people, you wanna live through all this your gunna have to raise your frequency vibration to be ready for ascension, this planet is about to shift and lower vibrations WILL NOT survive. We are in a galactic war with the reptilians who wish to control you cuz we are their food source. We are a meat plant to them, nothing more, they despise humans but they cannot LIVE without them. The only way we can save this planet is by accepting our differences as individuals and having unconditional love for one another. Living and treating others as One. We are a collective consciousness, we are all a piece of God/prime-creator and are very powerful if only youde REALIZE this. stop listening to the lies telling you its evil, or you are unworthy. MOST MOVIES AND TV SHOES AND SCIENCE FICTION SHOWS YOU MORE TRUTH THEN THE MEDIA OR ANY RELIGION. Mostly everything you have been brainwashed and led to believe is BULL SHIT! It is not truth, you are being CONTROLLED! Each awakened soul/seedling who is an alliance member (plaedians) breaks down the net that surrounds this planet, the whole calvery is already here to help the human race and this planet, they must only BREAK FREE AND WAKE UP, so we have a much stronger collective consciousness to break through the density we have been enslaved within. We will no longer be trapped in reincarnation to be fed off of. We where meant to live ONE LONG (talking HUNDREDS OF YEARS) life here. We where meant to have one experience, not multiple. Reincarnation has placed all those seedlings who came here to save the planet, under an amnesic state. Break out of this amnesia, realize all the lies youve been fed. Working with spirit and consciousness will bring victory, nothing physically will help. BE AWARE OF THE ENERGY YOU EMIT and raise your own vibration. You wont regret it because you will be seen as a GALACTIC HERO when all is said and done. The only way to break out of the matrix net is to WAKE UP AND SEE BEYOND THE 3D ILLUSIONS PLACED BEFORE YOU. As ive said over and over, CHANGE YOUR MIND YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. the Only way to wake up is to venture into the dark night of the soul, there you will find your Self, and discover your own divinity. Peace and happiness comes from within because god is already inside you. Fix the turmoil within and You can manifest whatever you want. Realize, HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!!!! Seek the light. Connect with the light ships that are available for your recovery! Seek old souls who are ready and capable at this time to help you gain intuitive and cellular healing. Seek to open and mine the tomb of your akashik records! cleans your aura and chakras, purge your body of negativity, karma and fear and doubt! Do not live blind any longer! Move beyond the religious bull shit we are tricked into believing and pay attention because there are SIGNS EVERYWHERE of this shift! Youre either gunna wake up and be ready and prepared energetically to survive the lifting of the veil and earth transitioning into a new dimension or you will simply phase out, your currently controlled vibration unable to sustain the new energy. your souls current vibration will NOT be able to sustain the environment of the new world. The alliance will not allow the further barbarism of this planet to continue another 2k years, it is effecting the entire universe. this is the 3rd strike and were out so to say. SO STOP LIVING IN EGOTISTIC, ARROGANT, IGNORANCE AND WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!!! AWAKEN, AWAKEN, OR MUST YOU BE SHAKEN VIOLENTLY! WHY ARE YOU WAITING? LISTEN TO WHAT WERE SAYING! NO MORE DELAYING, TIME TO BEGIN ASCENDING.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:35:09 +0000

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