Wow this really touched my heart and brought tears this morning of - TopicsExpress


Wow this really touched my heart and brought tears this morning of just how much Plexus works for people and Gods hand in all of it! There are so many stories that I could share, you have to see it for yourself to believe it! I praise God everyday for bringing Plexus into my life! I have never felt so directed in my whole life that I was on the right career path to help so many with health, financial and other issues in their life that they are facing on a daily basis! PRAISE GOD!! This truly touched me and I want to share words from Christy Christy Fitzgerald ... I am feeling a strong call to talk about God this morning. I put up my testimony the other day and stated something to the effect that i am a grateful recovering food addict/compulsive over eater. From the time i was little, i would sneak food...if no one saw me eat it, it couldnt possibly hurt me? Ive done recovery groups, Overeaters Anonymous, therapy etc... and have lost and gained more than i could ever count in pounds and inches. I have injected, drank and drugged my body with ANYTHING i could to lose weight. My diets have always had a beginning and an end...A big hoorah at the beginning and ALWAYS a deprivation caused binge at the end. Binges lasted days or weeks or even months until the beginning of the next diet. Back in December, just a few short months ago, something switched. I was gonna get clean and i was gonna pray like i had never prayed before and God and i were gonna wage a war on this disease. My first month at the gym with my trainer was the toughest thing i ever had to do (ps...i quit smoking cold turkey 7 years ago and that was easier). I cried, i vomited, begged for mercy, begged her not to give up on me and in 30 days i had lost approximately 10 lbs and MULTIPLE inches. I found out i had a following of women who were watching my progress and one approached me to say thank you for inspiring her. Well, i looked up to God and said i suppose you planned this, certainly cant go back to eating ice cream on my couch inspiring...that comes with responsiblity. In late January, as i was trucking along...we learned about Plexus. my husband started way before i did because I still wanted to go at it without any help. I didnt want to get to a point where there was any question about who or what exactly was doing the HEAVY LIFTING. But see, being educated is a blessing...who could have known how awful my candida was? So, i gave it a shot and was able to move past a plateau in the next month... Well, Yesterday, i wanted Ice Cream. (yes, i still struggle). I was going to go get a pint and nothing was going to stop me. NO ONE HAD TO KNOW! But as i was walking out of my office to leave, my boss called with a crisis situation that needed to be handled immediately. I looked at my watch...Crap, i have to take my bio cleanse in about an not gonna be able to get my ice cream. This isnt going to work. In this exact moment is when God spoke to me clearer than hes ever before...dont you understand Christy...Ive got have prayed and prayed and I am giving you what you have asked for...a way out of the disease...I know you want to inspire people to be better, so ive sent you those who need your will not go backwards and dissapoint. You asked for...a way out of the disease...I sent you Plexus....You certainly cant help people with their health if your eating ice cream everyday. THis is it my child...YOU ARE NOT GOING BACKWARDS ever again. THere was a Christy Shaped hole in the universe and GOD made a Christy to put in it. I am covered in light and so grateful. Please do not give up, please continue to pray and please ask him for help....HE - WILL - SHOW - UP!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 14:31:57 +0000

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