Wow, today in the midst of ciaos at work, there was a knock at the - TopicsExpress


Wow, today in the midst of ciaos at work, there was a knock at the office door. I turned to find one of the RNs smiling ear to ear, and she commented, When you are finished, could you step out here, I have a little something for you. I was very busy, as was my staff but, I finished up and went to the door. Opened it up to find a surprise I never would have expected but, it brought tears to my eyes, followed by a warm embrace. My Uncle Chuck, whom I havent seen since my aunts funeral (at which he was the Pastor that gave the benediction 14 years ago) was standing just outside my office door. WOW, he said he was only in town for a couple hours. He wanted to see if I was still at the hospital and stop in and say Hi and introduce me to his new wife, Sandra. I excused myself from my work environment for a few minutes(I do not take breaks so, I felt I deserved this, for my Uncle, for me). When he introduced me to Sandra, she extended a hand.....silly lady, FAMILY HUGS. So, I let her shake my hand but, then I embraced her. I may not seem like much but, as a child, my Uncle Charlie always reminded me of my REAL DAD (I had a fabulous dad after my daddy died, thats why the Real) They were the two boys with red hair, freckles, tall, and funny but, when I opened the door today, I feel like I caught a glimpse of what my daddy would have looked like. When he smiled, it reminded me of my grandpa.....when he would reach over and take a pink wintergreen candy out of the glove box and share his stash with my brother and I. He stood tall, like grandpa did standing on the side of the ball field as he coached his boys. Oh my, the memories that came flooding back into my head in such a short time. A loving family of 5 boys and 2 girls with only 2 left. He was a McGill through and through.....always into mischief then, served in the USN, came back and became a pastor. He went to Lansing, had a huge church congregation that he loved to speak the word to then, had a calling for missionary work. That is where he has been hiding out for the last 15-20 years. Sometimes, that LITTLE SOMETHING can make all the difference in your day, even your life. It made all the bad disappear. It made a difference in my day.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:09:51 +0000

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