Wow what a big clinical day we had yesterday. I looked out at - TopicsExpress


Wow what a big clinical day we had yesterday. I looked out at 8;30 and there were already 3 cars waiting, and we do not open until 9am. Dr. Monto came in with patients waiting at 9 am and the day never spotted. Appointment after appointment came looking for help with their pets helath issues, or to prepare their pets to be healthy. One lady and her Mom brought 10 cats for vaccines, worming, Revolution, and exams and left very pleased at the service and her bill. Another lady brought 5 big dogs and was thrilled to learn we charge the same for 3 year rabies vaccines as we do 1 year, made her very happy and she is bringing 15 cats for the next clinical day. An elderly dog came in with a huge tumor in her mouth which would require a laser to safely remove and we do not have one, so we directed them to options that would be able to help them. We probably could have done the surgery with our skilled surgeons but it would have been easier on the dog with a laser. We had a cat brought to us in an emergency situation on Wed, high fever, lethargic, drooling, nauseated, and dehydrated. We worked all day Wednesday and were able to get his fever down a little but not where we wanted it. He was monitored constantly, given fluids and meds, covered and uncovered, warmies reheated if he chose to lay on one and checked during the night. When on Thursday his fever was back up and after another discussion with his owner we learned he may have eaten part of a Poinsetta, Dr. Monto decided we should suggest he go to a full service clinic where he could be put on IVs and monitored, and have more diagnostic tools at hand. and better equipped to deal with a potential poisoning case. The owner thanked us and took the kitty immediately to her regular full service vet. We breathed a sigh of relief thinking we had done the right and responsible thing for our patient which is what we always strive to do. Lat night I got a text from the owner thanking us and telling us what the vet had decided to do to treat the cat. The top blew off my head and I immediately forwarded the text to Dr. Monto who I then called . She was as upset as I was with the care this kitty received Basically he was given some of the same meds we had already given him doubled dosed then with a steroid, not good (we sent the pet health care records with him) and sent HOME. The owner was told to syringe feed him. This poor kitty has huge ulcers in his mouth, is so nauseated he cant swallow and he was sent home!!!!! I reached out to the owner who was frantic after trying to feed kitty and having no success and she is bringing him back to us today to be further cared for and hospitalized. We may not have all the expensive equipment but we have a heart to do what is right for any animal not just those that will bring us publicity or belong to influential folks. And this is thevet who repeatedly vet takes swipes at us because we are a small clinic and do low cost but high quality care. He made a snarky comment to the owner about always getting our rejects. When we send an animal elsewhere it is so not about them being rejected and is all about getting care at a facility set up to do critical care better than we are and Praise God ego is never involved in it. Prayers for this kitty would be appreciated, he is much loved by the owners, and prayers this successful vet will learn to play nice with others and care a little more about his patients no matter what the circumstance of their situation.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:59:14 +0000

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