Wow.. what a crazy week Ive had. This felt about as long as Brandi - TopicsExpress


Wow.. what a crazy week Ive had. This felt about as long as Brandi Brown, Brittany Brown, and myself would think church services lasted. Telling Grams we were going to the bathroom and really going into the nursery to color, play with the toys, play hide and seek in those little tiny doors. Wed always find each other because those rooms were so small. Then shed come to the bottom of the steps and say, Girls get out here, your Grandpa is preaching! So then we would pass notes to Grams like, Tell Gramps to hurry up, were hungry! Or we would give Grandpa the McDonalds sign and rub our belly. Then when church was over, wed sit on the front pew and ask whered we be eating? And while they decided.. wed play the piano and drums and give them our own little show. If I were a butterfly, Id thank you, Lord for giving me wings! And lets not forget the nsync songs wed sing and Grams would make us stop lol! So Gramps would go back, turn all the lights off in the church and wed ask if we could turn the PA system off.. he always let us but never failed to double check it. McDonalds or bologna and cheese sandwiches with a glass of milk with ice was our choices.. Our nightly routine! Some nights we would play triominoes, uno, do jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles that she made us do in pencil so she could redo them, watch Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, the News.. pretty much anything that came through with the bunny ears lol! Itd be time for bed.. Grams would walk down the steps where we slept in the living room and layer us with blankets over and over.. shed say let me know if you need more! And we always pretended like we did because we wanted to hear her tell us goodnight and she loved us without her teeth in! Days there were always the best.. shed make us breakfast every morning. Dippy eggs and her famous gravy were my favorite. Wed play outside and throw the balls over the church and catch them off the roof, always hoping they didnt roll down the hill into the road and the river! Climbing up and sliding down the hills. Digging for any kind of treasure because they always told us the house was built on some kind of an Indian burial or something. Playing in the church throwing stuffed animals through the nursery window. Making grass, dirt and rock salads. Always scheming GG into letting us do things.. like cleaning the baptistry so we could swim. Grams would sit inside and watch Days of Our Lives and Gramps would be napping on the couch. With his head hanging off the arm of the couch. We took that opportunity to break out our kit and kaboodles and do his hair. Haha. Sunday Mornings we would eat at Caseys. Days that we went to town Walmart and Canteen or Parkette were where wed be! Every day was a new adventure with these two. They are the greatest grandparents anyone could ever have! There are so many memories that weve shared together that I could go on and on! And Im just thankful they are a big part of my life and we being a big part of theirs. I will cherish all the memories I have with my Grams. But Im also going to miss her very much. My heart will have an empty space that will never be the same. Today was a beautiful celebration of Grandmas life. Trying to be as strong as we could be for my Grandpa who lost the love of his life of 61 years! Just want to say thanks to everyone that came to pay their respects to my family.. everyone for their thoughts, prayers, love, positive energy and comfort. We now have one pretty tough guardian angel watching over us! RIP Mary Jane Shuttlesworth Brown: September 28, 1934- November 22, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:53:24 +0000

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