Wow what a roller coaster emotional day I had yesterday it started - TopicsExpress


Wow what a roller coaster emotional day I had yesterday it started with a comment on Sheilas picture that swarm into a never ending flow of love for her. It just tore me up inside because selfishly I want her back where I can touch her hear her voice and her jovial laughter. I never knew I could love someone not my kin, so bloody much but in reality we were closer than any relationship I have with any sibling or kin I have. She was sister, my confidant, my everything, Lord I miss her so much and the fact that she isnt here anymore hurts to the core. I too blame myself for not following my mind Piedy because I kept calling her and when she didnt answer I should have gone to the house and taken her to the doctor. I knew that she wasnt feeling well from the Friday and all Saturday and Sunday when she said Nai its the flu I just accepted her diagnosis as so since we were both so in tune with our bodies. I did not see death coming if I did I would have hidden her. We envision ourselves as old ladies sitting on the front porch in our rocking chairs watching the young people and reminiscing about when we were young chicks. Never saw death coming our way or I would have hidden her! We wanted to change so much of St.Croix, we were going to get in the senate and first work to make life easier for our children and get tools in their hands so they would have a fighting chance in this world. We just didnt see death coming or I would have hidden her so far it wouldnt have found her. So with all the tears I shed then and continue to shed today I want the world to know that Sheila my lady, my diva, my heart, my sister, my friend I miss her more than words could possible express and everyday I call her name because I can feel her presence around me. Rest in peace my sister I love you even more today!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:50:19 +0000

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