Wow what a weekend. First, to those who sat out because of the - TopicsExpress


Wow what a weekend. First, to those who sat out because of the weather forecast....there was a 20 minute sprinkle on Saturday. Didnt even seem to affect the game. Everyone played right through with smiles. You shouldve ignored it all and been there to enjoy the weekend. ;-) To everyone who WAS there...OMG what a weekend. As always the Canadians were awesome hosts both to Crash and I as well as to all of the players from outside of Canada. Sportsmanship was great and there were smiles all around all weekend. We can all work hard putting and event like this together but, ultimately, its the PLAYERS that make it what it is. Thank you all! Discipline Lords, Glen Morris Mercs, and the Flagswipe refs.....I know the players appreciate all of you being out there, answering questions, doing paintchecks, confirming missions, and basically getting beaten up by misdirected shots all weekend, as well as the punishment you took during the Final Battle. Without your dedication to the players and the game we couldnt do this. Flagswipe Paintball....what an amazing venue and, while the physical venue itself is awesome, I am more referring to the ownership and general attitudes of the staff. The total, 100% commitment to whatever it takes to make the players happy and the event great was totally amazing. They were always ready to help myself, Underground, and the Northern Gunmen with absolutely ANY task, modification, or all-out change we felt would make things better for the players last weekend. No debating or hesitation. If something needed done I would take a minute to explain what I needed and why and they were off like a shot to get it done. That sort of commitment to the players enjoyment is what separates top-notch venues from the rest. With regard to Underground Productz; the players have no idea what you guys go through, and how little is left for you after this is all said and done each year. Seeing a company of your stature do something like this out of pride in your country, love of the sport, and dedication to the players is amazing. You could charge the same prices for paint everyone else in Canada does at an event but, instead you wrote of what would mean actual PROFIT for all of this and turned your share of the proceeds back over to the players in the form of some of the lowest prices ever seen in Canada at a premier event. I hope players know that and appreciate you for it. The Northern Gunmen. Yet another entity doing this for love of country, the game, and the players. I dont know if Paul and Dale at Underground thank you or blame you for getting this ball rolling four years ago, but I know you have made a LOT of your fellow Canadian ballers very, very happy. The players should know it was you guys who went to Underground with the idea, that it was you guys who introduced Paul and I, and it is you guys who provide the man hours, back breaking work, registration, logistics, and most everything else to make this happen, and at the prices it does. The pricing AND SERVICE is at the levels they are because there are FORTY OR FIFTY PEOPLE busting their ass for NO PAY. I know the players appreciate you guys for that. Thats all for now. Thank you to everyone who was part of making this event happen every year....from the venue to the staff to the players. I look forward to seeing all of you every year. (Y) Oh...and a shoutout to my homies from Texas, Total Insanity and Haz Mat for making the trip all the way from the Lone Star State to add a little extra Tejas flavor to the event. :-) Now....who wants to talk about Canadian Carnage FOUR?!?! :-D
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:24:28 +0000

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